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The number of bicyclists we lose in collisions with cars, just in Somerville and Cambridge, is tragic and terrifying.
  • I live in Boston. I fully agree with you though in this situation the guy wasn't in the bike lane, he was on the sidewalk.

    The biker was on the sidewalk, not on the road, when he got hit, and went flying over the hood of the car.

    I don't know how anyone would be expected to play defense against that situation.

  • Do you think your partner looks better with makeup?
  • I honestly can't remember how she looks with makeup on. She has worn it maybe a dozen times in the decade plus that I've known her.

    She looks fine without it. She seems happy without it. I don't really care either way.

  • When is the last time you changed your mind about something big?
  • For the most part, you are right, and I'll acknowledge that how I worded that it sounded more complain-y than I really meant to. If anything I was trying to say that I thought it seems silly that things like that exist, and not that I have a big problem with it.

    That said, I don't buy those products, but they still work their way into my life. If you have a vegan in your circle of friends or go out with one you'll eventually find yourself at a vegan pizza place, or being offered vegan "bacon" with breakfast.

  • When is the last time you changed your mind about something big?
  • I don't have a problem with veganism. I love eating vegetables, and enjoy plenty of meals without any animal products. What I could do without is the vegan products that imitate animal products. I am so much happier with a vegetable "burger" that embraces the taste of vegetables instead of one that tries to mimic the taste, texture and appearance of beef.

  • What are some good low FODMAP meals you can suggest?
  • My wife had to do the low fodmap thing for a while, but I'm usually the one who does the cooking. She is also vegetarian which limited things even more. The best thing I learned was you could get decent pizza dough by combining gluten free flour and adding back in vital wheat gluten.

    As you probably already know, regular flour isn't low fodmap, but gluten free flour is. As long as you don't have an issue with gluten, you can buy and vital wheat gluten separately and mix it in and end up with something that more closely resembles regular dough.

    Unfortunately I don't remember what ratio I used. I also never tried extending it to other bread-like foods but it might be worth a try. I hope the general idea is enough for you to start some experiments.

    Good luck!

  • make Firefox faster
  • I'm guessing you've already happened across this, but in case you haven't, here is an explanation of the the compilation flags thorium uses for it's chromium builds:

    It seems as good of a place to start as any.

    I haven't spent a ton of time down this particular rabbit hole, but now I may have to.

  • What's an impulse purchase you've made and it turned out to be awesome?
  • I picked up my sunfish sailboat for free off Craigslist. It even came with a trailer. I had to do a little fiberglass work to keep the water on the outside, but considering the price it was well worth it.

  • so, we're doing sushi, eh?

    I was never big on photographing my food but I found this one particularly pretty. It was over a decade ago, and I don't remember what restaurant it was. Somewhere in NYC.

    [Question] - What are things you like to cook that are better the second day?

    I find most foods are best as soon as they are made, but some things seem to get better when the flavors have more time to meld. The only two I can think of right now are chili and hummus. What other dishes am I forgetting, or haven't tried that you think get better with a little time?

    What is this connector called?

    I want to replace one half of this with longer wire, but I am not confident about the name of the connector used.

    Image of JST-XH included to convey size. Ruler is metric.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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