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Bring back 'milk drinker' as an insult
  • I'm savoring a delicious glass of raw unpasteurized, non-homogenized, non-industrialized bovine lactation as I surf Lemmy, and come across this crap? Go jump in a lake soy sucker.

  • How a ‘Brain Pacemaker’ Can Help Treat Depression
  • I'm sure it would never be abused by tyrannical governments, fascist billionaires, or weapons manufacturers. /s

    If they can block suicide ideation with such a device, they certainly can stimulate it, and cause mass suicide. Or on the other hand, they could drive users into a deep depression and turn them into suicide bombers.

  • Anyone else familiar with the claim that Israel has nuclear missiles aimed at major European cities?
  • Seymour Hersh is one of the only true Journalists left that isn't in hiding, constantly moving, prison or bunkered up somewhere. We would never have learned about the war crimes the U.S. committed in Vietnam if it wasn't for his reporting on the Mai Lai Massacre, or more recently the Nordstream False Flag.

  • please stop imagining how things will get worse
  • You're not wrong. I posted a scathing comment on LinkedIn about not giving Reddit so much as a click or view in 2023. A week later Spez announced the throttling of the API requests/paid API access.

  • Cyberpunk webdoodle
    How a ‘Brain Pacemaker’ Can Help Treat Depression How a ‘Brain Pacemaker’ Can Help Treat Depression

    After 16 years of battling “demons,” one patient says he has been given a second chance at life by a brain-computer interface developed in Shanghai.

    How a ‘Brain Pacemaker’ Can Help Treat Depression

    Implanted device allows man to control his emotions with the click of his smartphone.

    DOJ finally posted that “embarrassing” court doc Google wanted to hide
  • It's not just the search engines, it's the always on instant gratification machine that is called the smartphone. The only thing it's smart at, is stealing your privacy, stealing your money, and finally stealing your soul. Throw it away, and limit your internet usage to 1-2 hours per day max.

  • AI is fundamentally 'a surveillance technology' Signal's Meredith Whittaker: AI is fundamentally 'a surveillance technology' | TechCrunch

    Why is it that so many companies that rely on monetizing the data of their users seem to be extremely hot on AI? If you ask Signal president Meredith

    Signal's Meredith Whittaker: AI is fundamentally 'a surveillance technology' | TechCrunch
    The Secret History of How the Super-Rich Have Kept the Working Class Out of Work The Secret History of How the Super-Rich Have Kept the Working Class Out of Work

    In a viral speech, the Australian multimillionaire argued for more unemployment as a corrective to workers’ attitudes toward employers.

    The Secret History of How the Super-Rich Have Kept the Working Class Out of Work

    Tim Gurner, the viral Australian multimillionaire who wants more workers to be unemployed, was debunked by an economist in 1943.

    Today The UK Parliament Undermined The Privacy, Security, And Freedom Of All Internet Users Today The UK Parliament Undermined The Privacy, Security, And Freedom Of All Internet Users

    The U.K. Parliament has passed the Online Safety Bill (OSB), which says it will make the U.K. “the safest place” in the world to be online. In reality, the OSB will lead to a much more censored, locked-down internet for British users. The bill could empower the government to undermine not just the p...

    Today The UK Parliament Undermined The Privacy, Security, And Freedom Of All Internet Users
    Hacking webdoodle
    India's biggest tech centers named as cyber crime hotspots India's biggest tech centers named as cyber crime hotspots

    Global tech companies' Bharat offices attract the wrong sort of interest

    India's biggest tech centers named as cyber crime hotspots
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I disagree with your assessment. The Guidestones weren't there to help society rebuild after an apocalypse. It was built to scare you into thinking an unavoidable, likely human caused, cataclysm was coming. The builders clearly infused "bad human" into it's message when they say to keep the population under 500 Million. It's all part of the narrative to keep people chasing the cheese at all expenses. This creates ample opportunities for someone else to get rich off your fear. It's similar to the gold rush. Who got rich in the gold rush? The merchants.

  • Old Failing Barn as a Metaphor for Collapse

    Many years ago, I wrote a post on Reddits /r/Collapse using a failing barn as a metaphor to explain collapse. It was a very popular post, especially for a pre-covid collapse/prepper forum post, back before being a prepper was the norm.

    I live in Montana, and old barns are everywhere. What's amazing though is how old some of them are. For instance one old hay barn I recently helped demolish, was nearly 100 years old. It was amazing it was still standing....Or was it.

    It took us the better part of a day to tear down that old hay barn. It was hard work ripping out planks, pulling nails, dragging 100 year old posts to the dump trailer. But towards the end, as we slowly ripped out the walls and supports, we expected the hay barn to just come crashing down. It didn't though. It resisted gravity with a tenacity that bordered on the divine.

    After all the walls but one was gone, we figured a slight breeze would knock it over. When it didn't we tried pushing it over, but it would just slump a little, then bounce back. We tried knocking out the last few posts by throwing an 8 lbs hammer at it. This didn't do anything other than make us feel like Thor.

    The last post actually took several hits before it was dislodged. However, there suspended in space and time was that barn! It still didn't fall, it just hung there suspended in place. HOW?!@

    As it had collapsed, it started leaning against an old poplar tree ever so slightly, which we didn't notice. Somehow that old tree held up the entire barn all by itself. We eventually just pulled the barn apart piece by piece, as the tree was clearly not going to let it fall.

    That moment where the barn seemed suspended in mid air got me thinking a lot about collapse again. Even through years of rot, bad weather, baking sun, cows rubbing against it, etc, it still wouldn't come apart. I remember thinking: "Boy they sure don't build them like the used to. " In fact, that might be the point.

    The Collapse of humanity has been happening for a while, but like the Roman empire before it, it might take a really long time for the effects of collapse to affect or impair a majority of us. It may collapse all at once, but the stronger the foundations of the building the longer it will take to erode enough to start falling apart. Even when it does start to fall apart, it will likely lean on something else to keep it supported for a while longer.

    Where will you be when old.reddit is kill?
  • I contributed 15+ years of content and moderation to Reddit, which they made private (not available to the public), because I promoted a peaceful protest of the Billionaire's Summer Camp. It's where the billionaires give the media there marching orders, AKA Operation Mockingbird.

    Of course they didn't delete it, they just made it not public, so they can continue to use my data to sell to dystopic tech companies to train there A.I. I didn't make a complete backup of my data before I was suspended, and now it's lost to me. I was able to recover a lot using the Way Back Machine, but it's slowly being erased too. The only copy I reliably have is completely offline.

  • How Not browsing reddit feels like
  • I've been Reddit free for a couple years now, after Reddit deplatformed me for planning a peaceful protest of the yearly Billionaire's Summer Camp in Sun Valley, Idaho. It's where Billionaires give there marching orders to the Operation Mockingbird media.

    Quitting Reddit is way harder than any other addiction I've experienced, because it plays on the collectivism that is hardwired into us. It's why they peddle it to kids like the tobacco, alcohol and gambling industries before them. Get them while they are young, and there brains aren't developed enough to build up self-control!

    It's not just Reddit though, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc, etc, etc all do the same things to varying levels. I highly encourage everyone to watch the Documovie The Social Dilema. The only way to free ourselves of this new form of digital slavery is to educate people on the dangers our such technology.

  • TikTok fined €345m for breaking EU data law on children’s accounts TikTok fined €345m for breaking EU data law on children’s accounts

    Irish data regulator says platform put 13- to 17-year-old users’ accounts on default public setting, among other breaches

    TikTok fined €345m for breaking EU data law on children’s accounts
    And that's why we should eradicate billionaires.
  • In 2024, I'll start posting on it on /c/Intelligence in early spring. I had done the same thing on Reddit in 2021. I even created a dedicated Sub, which got nuked from orbit: /r/SunValley2021.

  • And that's why we should eradicate billionaires.
  • Thank you for your interest. I no longer maintain any of my own websites, and am only slightly active on a few social media after my Reddit deplatforming. I can't say I've put the whole story down in any one place, but here are some of my other social media accounts, that have bits an pieces of the story:

  • And that's why we should eradicate billionaires.
  • I've been trying to organize a protest of the Billionaires since 2019. The richest and most despicable of them meet each year in Sun Valley Idaho, at the Billionaires SummerCamp the week after 4th of July. They've held it every year for 37 years, except for 2020.

    This conference is where the Billionaires issue there marching orders to the Operation Mockingbird media: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, but also old media like NBC, ABC, New York Times, Fox News, CNN, etc. It is attended by Musk, Theil, Schmidt, Fuckerberg, etc, but is also attended by several former CIA Directors, CIA propaganda staff and military PSYOP intelligence professionals.

    Sun Valley is an extremely small town, nestled in the rugged Rocky Mountains, with only 3 main entrances. Protests at one or all of these locations would cause significant disruptions for the event, and would be very hard to ignore.

    My 18+ year moderator account on Reddit was attacked, hazed, and eventually suspended for promoting this very protest. I was allowed to be doxxed by Reddit admins repeatedly, including a nasty brigading effort initiated on /r/SubRedditDrama. None of the offenders were sanctioned in any way, and continue to operate on Reddit hazing and harassing other people. At least one person called the FBI and claimed I was a dangerous terrorist, in an attempt to get me swatted.

    About 10 days later, I was interviewed by the FBI, and thanked for my time, including a well wishing that my Sun Valley protest would be a success. I've a filed FOIA request on this investigation and other related issues to the FBI, and am awaiting the result.

  • Intelligence webdoodle
    What's Behind Talk of a Possible Plea Deal for Assange? What's Behind Talk of a Possible Plea Deal for Assange?

    Top U.S. officials are speaking at cross purposes when it comes to Julian Assange. What is really going on? asks Joe Lauria. By Joe Lauria Special to Consortium News It was a little more than perplexing. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, on Australian soil, left no doubt about h

    What's Behind Talk of a Possible Plea Deal for Assange?

    Top U.S. officials are speaking at cross purposes when it comes to Julian Assange. What is really going on? asks Joe Lauria.

    Intelligence webdoodle
    Jeffrey Epstein Set Up Meetings With Trump Associates—Including Peter Thiel And Thomas Barrack—Before 2016 Election, Report Says

    Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted child rapist and blackmail operative set up several meetings with people close to former President Donald Trump in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election, the Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday, including billionaire PayPal and Palantir cofounder Peter Thiel—raising speculation that Epstein sought to penetrate Trump’s orbit as his political prospects were on the rise.

    Intelligence webdoodle
    Vivek Ramaswamy Pledges To Pardon Julian Assange, Anti-American Publisher of US Secrets Vivek Ramaswamy Pledges To Pardon Julian Assange, Anti-American Publisher of US Secrets

    Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy on Thursday said that as president he would pardon anti-American hacker Julian Assange.

    Vivek Ramaswamy Pledges To Pardon Julian Assange, Anti-American Publisher of US Secrets

    Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy said that as president he would pardon journalist Julian Assange.

    Intelligence webdoodle
    Iran accuses Israel of supplying potentially exploding parts for ballistic missile program Iran accuses Israel of supplying potentially exploding parts for ballistic missile program

    Iran has accused Israel of trying to sabotage its ballistic missile program through faulty foreign parts that could explode, damaging or destroying the weapons before they could be used

    Iran accuses Israel of supplying potentially exploding parts for ballistic missile program
    Intelligence webdoodle
    Mysterious blast draws attention to Iran-affiliated Syrian army division Mysterious blast draws attention to Iran-affiliated Syrian army division -

    Commanded by the president's brother, the 4th Division maintains close coordination with the Revolutionary Guards.

    Commanded by the Syrian president's brother, the 4th Division maintains close coordination with the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

    Why is firefox losing market share? Why don't more people use Firefox?
  • Because the U.S. government used the 2001 Microsoft Internet Explorer Antitrust hearings to blackmail Microsoft into government servitude: implanting NSA backdoors, not patching vulnerabilities, disabling system administration tools, constantly hiding or moving useful features. Remember from the Snowden leaks that the NSA's favorite prey is the System and/or Network Administrator who holds all the keys? But what about the guy that makes the keys, wouldn't he be the biggest prey?

  • Intelligence webdoodle
    Peter Thiel launched a student newspaper 36 years ago. It has quietly become one of the surest paths to success in Silicon Valley Peter Thiel launched a student newspaper 36 years ago. It has quietly become one of the surest paths to success in Silicon Valley

    The conservative Stanford Review didn’t change many minds on campus. But its alums have transformed the tech ecosystem.

    Peter Thiel launched a student newspaper 36 years ago. It has quietly become one of the surest paths to success in Silicon Valley

    PayPal Mafia member, CIA contractor, Trump financial supporter and member of Trumps Presidential Intelligence Advisory board uses his CIA backed ventures to influence the public for his financial benefit. Non-Paywalled Version

    Intelligence webdoodle
    NSA Orders Employees to Spy on the World “With Dignity and Respect” NSA Orders Employees to Spy on the World “With Dignity and Respect”

    A rights advocate said, “This is like the CIA putting out a statement saying that going forward they’ll only waterboard people with dignity and respect.”

    NSA Orders Employees to Spy on the World “With Dignity and Respect”

    A digital rights advocate said, “This is like the CIA putting out a statement saying that going forward they’ll only waterboard people with dignity and respect.”

    Intelligence webdoodle
    Police Are Getting DNA Data From People Who Think They Opted Out Police Are Getting DNA Data From People Who Think They Opted Out

    Forensic genetic genealogists skirted GEDmatch privacy rules by searching users who explicitly opted out of sharing DNA with law enforcement.

    Police Are Getting DNA Data From People Who Think They Opted Out

    Forensic genetic genealogists skirted GEDmatch privacy rules by searching users who explicitly opted out of sharing DNA with law enforcement.

    Intelligence webdoodle
    Deja Vu: The FBI Proves Again It Can’t be Trusted with Section 702 Deja Vu: The FBI Proves Again It Can’t be Trusted with Section 702

    The FBI doesn’t believe that either our rights or the limitations that Congress has placed upon them matter when it comes to the vast amount of information about us collected under FISA Section 702. The latest exhibit in this is in yet another newly declassified opinion of the Foreign Intelligence S...

    Deja Vu: The FBI Proves Again It Can’t be Trusted with Section 702
    Intelligence webdoodle
    Want to pwn a satellite? Turns out it's surprisingly easy Want to pwn a satellite? Turns out it's surprisingly easy

    PhD student admits he probably shouldn't have given this talk

    Want to pwn a satellite? Turns out it's surprisingly easy
    This Is What Happens When People Start Actually Reading Privacy Policies This Is What Happens When People Start Actually Reading Privacy Policies – The Markup

    A recent controversy about Zoom’s ability to train AI on users’ conversations shows the importance of reading the fine print

    This Is What Happens When People Start Actually Reading Privacy Policies – The Markup

    Users notice that Zoom changes privacy policy to expressly allow them to use your private Zoom chats, video calls and other services to train A.I. and this IS NO OPT OUT.

    Intelligence webdoodle
    International Cat Day (August 8 2023) — Remembering CIA Operation Acoustic Kitty International Cat Day (August 8 2023) — Remembering CIA Operation Acoustic Kitty

    “They slit the cat open, put batteries in him, wired him up. The tail was used as an antenna. They made a monstrosity. They tested him, and tested him. They found he would walk off the job wh…

    International Cat Day (August 8 2023) — Remembering CIA Operation Acoustic Kitty
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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