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[Glazier] Magnetic nymph
  • Thanks !

  • [Glazier] Magnetic nymph
  • Gotta punch holes in the screen and hammer the keyboard a bit haha. But remember friends, Hardware is forever.

  • [Glazier] Magnetic nymph
  • Easy, become a Magnetic Nymph today !

  • Unixporn z3bra
    [Glazier] Magnetic nymph
    just make
  • The real answer here.

  • Are there any things in Linux that need to be started over from scratch?
  • Right now overlays requires elevated privilèges, but ideally it shouldn't. Rewriting the Linux kernel to implement per user namespaces like plan9 does would allow unprivileged actions from any user (just like if any user was sitting in a container, overlayed from the base system).

    I know we're not there, and that's not the direction development is going, but this thread is about dreams, right ? 😉

    About the XDG specs, they serve a totally different purpose so they're out of the discussion IMO. I'm not advocating against env variables. Just $PATH which is a workaround as I see it, but your mileage may vary. As for your "issue" with steam, of course this is the best way to solve it. Because of today's OS limitation. My point is that with a better designed namespacing implementation, there would be more elegant solutions to solve it (and would get rid of the need to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH too, or literally any *_PATH env variable)

  • Are there any things in Linux that need to be started over from scratch?
  • By mounting the binary over, I mean something like a bind mount. But in your case of a wrapper script, it doesn't apply indeed. Though in this case I would simply name the script steam-launcher and call it a day 🙂

    Having multiple executables with the same name and relying on $PATH and absolute paths feels hackish to me, but that's only a matter of preference at this point.

  • Are there any things in Linux that need to be started over from scratch?
  • I'm not saying we should get rid of $PATH right now. My point is that it was created to solve a problem we don't have anymore (not enough disk capacity), but we still keep it out of habit.

    As a reminder, the discussion is about what should be rewritten from scratch in linux. And IMO, we should get rid of $PATH as there are better options.

  • Are there any things in Linux that need to be started over from scratch?
  • Today's software would probably break, but my point is that $PATH is a relic from ancient times that solved a problem we don't have anymore.

  • Are there any things in Linux that need to be started over from scratch?
  • You missed my point. The reason $PATH exists in the first place is because binaries were too large to fit on a single disk, so they were scattered around multiple partitions (/bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, etc...). Now, all your binaries can easily fit on a single partition (weirdly enough, /usr/bin was chosen as the "best candidate" for it), but we still have all the other locations, symlinked there. It just makes no sense.

    As for the override mechanism you mention, there are much better tools nowadays to do that (overlayfs for example).

    This is what plan9 does for example. There is no need for $PATH because all binaries are in /bin anyways. And to override a binary, you simply "mount" it over the existing one in place.

  • Are there any things in Linux that need to be started over from scratch?
  • $PATH shouldn't even be a thing, as today disk space is cheap so there is no need to scatter binaries all over the place.

    Historically, /usr was created so that you could mount a new disk here and have more binaries installed on your system when the disk with /bin was full.

    And there are just so many other stuff like that which doesn't make sense anymore (/var/tmp comes to mind, /opt, /home which was supposed to be /usr but name was already taken, etc ...).

  • seer
  • I KNEW IT !! Last of the puffer clan, that couldn't be real !

  • [UPDATE] Could use some recommendations for a (usually) quick typist.
  • +1 on the Gazzew U4. I just swapped from browns to it and I'm never going back ! They're more tactile and much more silent.

  • What are your preferred code editors/IDEs to use on Android?
  • To be honest, Ed.

    When I'm forced to edit text on my phone (eg. to fix a broken server while on the go), I ssh in and fire up ed. This is what takes the less screen space on my already to small screen, and because it's line oriented the screen doesn't bounce/resize/screw up when the keyboard appears/disappear.

  • endlessh-go: a Golang SSH tarpit that traps bots/scanners
  • endlessh was pretty cool and a more modern version is even better ! I'll give it a shot !

    On a side note, I found a way to trap HTTP connections too while working on my project. The go implementation is ridiculously simple: tarpit.go. It works by providing an endless stream of custom headers to the client, which it is supposed to ingest before getting to the content itself.

  • Is there an advantage of using doas over sudo
  • I find the config syntax cleaner.

  • Presoldered split keyboard
  • Switches indeed ;)

    Both voyager and moonlander are prebuilt, right ? I like the voyager, but might like just a few keys under the thumb compared to my current planck layout.

    Thanks for the suggestions !

  • Presoldered split keyboard
  • It's not about the cost, it's more about my current situation, storage space, and besides this specific use-case, I have no use for it (and I dont like buying stuff I don't use).

  • Presoldered split keyboard

    Hi everyone! I'm planning on getting a split keyboard to replace my planck, but I don't have a soldering iron.

    What are my options ? Ideally I want:

    • DIY, no soldering involved
    • QMK firmware
    • 40% format

    The keyboard I'm leaning toward is the let's split as it's a planck split in two halves, but it seems that you need to at least solder the keycaps yourself, which I can't.

    Former distrohoppers, where did you settle down?
  • Crux. Simplest package building system out there, and the core is just out of the way completely, giving you the keys to setup your system just the way you want it.

  • Removed
  • I didn't come up with this idea myself, this is straight from OpenBSD disk setup guide (which I personally trust as a good source of info) :

    Encrypting External Disks

    This section explains how to set up a cryptographic softraid volume for an external USB drive. An outline of the steps is as follows:

    • Overwrite the drive's contents with random data


    # dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/rsd3c bs=1m
  • Removed
  • /usr/share/language/pack/français: Permission refusée
  • Cyber hunt - A technical adventure for Unix fans!

    I've been working on this project for over a year now, and I'm sure many people here will like it !

    This is a game where the player must complete technical challenges about various technologies (programming, cryptography, networking, etc...) to progress through the story. It puts the Unix family under the light, and features many opensource technologies all running on a single server!

    Check out the about page for details, and happy hunting !

    Cyber hunt - An epochalyptic adventure !

    Over the past year, I've created technical adventure for people eager to challenge their skill and knowledge about many technical fields, while also having fun !

    Programming, version control, command line, network protocols, cryptography, steganography, games, … Thorough the game you'll switch from decades old to state of the art technologies, and use it all to progress through a dystopian story happening around the 2nd Epochalypse.

    Get your systems ready, and hope that you'll be done with it before the Advent of Code starts, because you will probably not handle both at the same time ;)

    Unixporn z3bra
    Feeling floppy today ?

    CYB3R HUNT is an epochalyptic online adventure of which you are the hero! Check out the about page, the rules, and prepare for the opening on the 31st of october !

    Artworks are made by prahou, creator of the unix_surrealism universe (check out his mastodon account for the image on the background, and more quality content!).

    As for the programs running :

    • window manager: glazier & wmutils
    • terminal: st
    • web browser: firefox (with borders removed for better visual effect)
    • irc client: irssi
    • image viewer: lel
    • widgets: lemonbar
    Remote storage solution ?

    I used to rock a bare metal 1Tib HDD server for 17€/month, that I used as an NFS server for all my other servers which needed storage space.

    First of all, NFS kinda sucks and I'm looking for alternative solution that I can use on OpenBSD to mount remote volumes.

    Secondly, I'm planning to move this server to hetzner (my current provider), but they lack affordable storage (it's 50€/month for 1Tib). Do you know an hosting provider which would provide high volumes for not so expensive prices ?

    RDP Traps ?

    I've recently dug into my firewall logs and the most traffic I seem to receive from internet is targeting port 3389.

    While I could just blacklist the source IPs and call it a day, I would like to actually listen on this port and "trap" them in a fake RDP connection.

    There are tools like endlessh, and I've found that you can do the same for http by sending an endless stream of headers. I would like to do the same for RDP, and before I start digging into the whole spec, I was wondering if there is already something similar for RDP.

    Is anyone aware of that ? Is that even a thing ?

    Wake up, Neo ...

    cross-posted from:

    > The one true white rabbit.

    Parsing RFC3164 logs for Grafana

    Hey everyone ! I finally decided to monitor my applications more closely with Grafana. However I'm having issues building dashboards their logs.

    Their logs are currently sent over syslog (in RFC3164 format) into telegraf. But it simply puts the whole message into the message field, so I can't use specific fields (eg. URL for httpd, source IP for DNS requests, username for SSH, …) to build graphs.

    I've read about grok patterns, but I have no idea how to use them.

    Would someone have any pointer on how I could make sense out of these logs for later use ?

    Chimera Linux

    I just found about this distro, which is relatively new (2021). Its specificity is that it doesn't features any GNU software by default, which I find interesting.

    Unixporn z3bra
    Old Computer Challenge - Meet sorlag !

    Old computer challenge V3

    I stumbled upon this challenge just in time, and decided to blow the dust out of my trusty Acer Aspire one from 2008. This beast features an Intel Atom clocking at 1.67Ghz, 230Gib HDD and a whooping 1024Mib of RAM ! I slapped OpenBSD 7.3 on it just to find that my wireless card is still not supported (probably never will...). I had to scrap one from an (even older!) Asus EEE PC to get it going. It's now up and running, ready to choke at the 512Mib limit while trying to browse the web !

    I'm using st for the terminal. Programs running are sacc (gopher client), vis (text editor) and irssi (IRC client). It runs my own window manager: glazier with wmutils.

    Will happily answer any questions !

    Vis: Vi Improved, on Steroids Vis: Vi Improved, on Steroids - SDF Chatter

    TL;DR: I use a vim like editor which tackles Vim’s greatest weakness: vis [].

    TL;DR: I use a vim like editor which tackles Vim's greatest weakness: vis.

    Vis: Vi Improved, on Steroids

    TL;DR: I use a vim like editor which tackles Vim's greatest weakness: vis.

    Anyone still using Sailfish OS ?

    I used to run it on my Xperia, and life was good. Then they announced a version for the Xperia 10 III, so I got hyped and bought the device. When the release came out, it lacks so many features and was riddled with bugs, so I never installed it. As of today (4.5.19), it seems the software still lacks basic features (ability to use the 3 cameras), and still has very annoying bugs (must use loidspeaker when in communication to prevent echo).

    Am I misinformed ? Is anyone using it daily that could share their experience?


    Pokemon: Wasteland

    For the past 4 years, I've been working on this hacked version of Pokemon Crystal.

    The story takes place in an alternate reality where Mewtwo defeated Mew, and decided to took his revenge on humanity, turning the world into a wasteland.

    This hack is very short to play, but will hopefully offer a different but refreshing experience to the player compared to the traditional games.

    As a huge fan of the original GBC games, this is my tribute to them. Hope you guys can enjoy this as much as I did ;)

    Edit: I hope it's ok to post self-promotion like this here. It's not like I'll make a new game every week anyway 🙃

    Yggdrasil as a VPN alternative Yggdrasil Network

    End-to-end encrypted IPv6 networking to connect worlds

    I've been accessing my servers over Yggdrasil for the last few years and I never see it mentioned in self hosting communities, so here you go !

    Yggdrasil works over IPv6 and brings encryption at the network interface level (similarly to a VPN). The cool thing is that your IP address is derived from your private key, so when you try to connect to a specific IP, your packets are encrypted so that ONLY the destination server can decrypt it (thus preventing MITM attacks). And as everything is encrypted at the NIC level, you can safely use plain text protocols ;)

    How cool is that ?

    Is this instance still federated properly ?

    I'm subscribed to different communities on other instances, and the posts there did not appear on this instance for the past 3 days.

    Is it a known issue ?

    Edit: The instance has switch to 0.18.0, and I don't have the issue anymore. Thanks mods !

    Unixporn z3bra
    Good Vibes

    I want to see this community skyrocket, so here's my participation to the work !

    Not much to see here, mostly terminals (st). As for the programs running:

    safe is my homemade password manager, painting is the Sainte-Victoire by Cézanne, and the scoreboard is related to a game I'm working on (that I hope releasing this year ;)).

    Hope you like it !

    wgs z3bra
    Posts 18
    Comments 237