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Suggestions for RSS feeds/content?
  • Just added the Yahoo feed. Thanks.

  • Suggestions for RSS feeds/content?
  • I have FreshRSS running on the website I've had for eleventybillion years and finally found something to do with it when I (mostly) left Reddit. Here are the feeds I have:

    • Star Wars News Net. They could be crap, I don't know, but in the end who cares? I'm a grown man who pays attention to a Disney-owned media franchise. Self-respect went out the window in favor of nostalgia a LONG time ago.
    • XKCD
    • NPR News
    • Local DFW TV station that hasn't killed their feed yet
    • BBC Science and Environment
    • Verge
    • Keyboard builders digest. Oh man, I'm super excited about the plates I have coming from Xometry for a TKL design I tweaked on keyboard layout editor and pairing them with some DSA keycaps. Going for a whole "vaguely reminiscent of various 8- and 16-bit computers" vibe. I hope they aren't too rough to finish decently.
    • FC Dallas feed
    • Jacksonville Jaguars feed
    • NFL, soccer, and NCAAF feeds from CBS and Fox Sports
    • Sports feed from a Jacksonville station that is shamelessly leveraging their AP stories
    • "ESPN Dallas" feed
  • Wednesday is Poetry Day. Your Best Rhyming Memes Please
  • There once was a mech droid named C1-10P,
    Who was told that the killing should stop.
    He hemmed and he hawed,
    Digitally guffawed,
    And said look at at those meatbags all pop!

  • wjrii wjrii
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    Comments 3