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Biden pushes party unity as he resists calls to step aside, says he'll return to campaign next week
  • Is it really fair to call it a smear campaign? It's all out there in the open, we can ask pull up footage or transcripts any of his speeches. It's not like we're all just taking the media's word for it on the man's rapidly declining capacity to remain president.

  • Jack Black announces new movie ā€˜School of Spineless PR Managementā€™
  • Hey maybe if the shooter hadn't missed, that innocent father & former firefighter wouldn't have died either.

  • Got an email from ISP
  • Sorry for the delay, just saw this.

    So the "pvpnsomthingsomething" is most likely the name of the server you're connecting to, but if you're not using the paid tier for Proton it won't let you select servers that support peer to peer traffic. Sounds like that might be your issue if you're still getting stalled with that network connection selected.

    Also, the killswitch and the ipv6 "networks" that it creates are just there to enforce the killswitch (ie. create a fallback dead-end network device if the VPN goes down) and to catch and dead-end any ipv6 traffic that might be leaking.

  • Got an email from ISP
  • Exactly, it will now only be able to access the Internet via that interface even if proton is running but not actually connected.

  • My Windows Computer Just Doesn't Feel Like Mine Anymore
  • Even Endeavour comes with Discover installed, and stuff like Octopi exists and is pretty bug free these days.

  • My Windows Computer Just Doesn't Feel Like Mine Anymore
  • If you've never had to dig into a registry file or obscure hidden folder path in Windows, you aren't enough of a power user to ever have to in a Linux distro either.

  • YouTube is testing server-side ad injection to counteract ad blockers
  • Don't be too optimistic, you probably haven't seen it because it's not being rolled out universally just yet; they like to A/B test their massive feature changes.

  • Riding in style
  • I always say, the moment cop cars start adding roof racks and bike mounts we're all getting pulled over lol

  • Can You Use Linux Without the Terminal? (How to Geek article)
  • Endeavour is a great example for gui only users for sure.

  • Winamp has announced that it is opening up its source code to enable collaborative development of its legendary player for Windows.
  • It was honestly the one thing I still have never found a feature parity Linux alt for after years; it will always bug me no matter what other "it's basically the same" suggested player I use instead.

    That said, currently I'm making do with Quodlibet, and I have no major complaints. But nothing is an exact replica enough for me not to constantly compare it to Wimamp & complain.

  • Winamp has announced that it is opening up its source code to enable collaborative development of its legendary player for Windows.
  • Not a serious suggestion, but I can confirm that WACUP does at least have no noticeable issues using WINE

  • 'Let her go! Let her go!' Fontana officer shoots armed man who put his partner in a headlock
  • The world is a dangerous place though; there's all these armed psychos driving around, shooting and beating people!

    Sure, sometimes they arrest someone who deserves it, but that doesn't make me exactly feel safe knowing they're out there...

  • State of the (LW federation + infra upgrades + new frontend option)
  • Love to see the dedication on your end with all these updates, really appreciate you putting in so much work on the instance.

    Absolutely no regrets moving here after vlemmy disappeared.

  • ā€˜School Never Taught Us About Taxes,' Says Woman Who Wouldnā€™t Remember It Even If They Had
  • The important thing to realize here is that "does the US..." is almost a meaningless category to ask about (at least as far as education is concerned), because each of the 50 different states manages its schooling requirements very differently. Potential course offerings and curriculum are often completely the authority of the individual school districts. So it's almost impossible to ask any given sweeping generalization question about the US school system.

  • Dormakaba Locks Used in Millions of Hotel Rooms Could Be Cracked in Seconds
  • Take the dresser outside first, and block the door from the outside instead.

  • backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to ssh server compromise
  • That whole timeline is insane, and the fact that anyone even found this in the totally coincidental way they did is very lucky for the rest of us.

  • Banana for scale
  • This is genuinely peak comedy

  • Do you daily drive Wayland, if so since when, if not when will you?
  • It's essentially just a remote desktop app, so yeah kinda. Depending on your screen resolution it'll be either be more or less annoying to click on smaller UI elements, but it's certainly possible.

    I keep my Bluetooth headphones connected to the PC, and there's maybe a split second delay. Otherwise it's perfect, because you can still navigate your PC with the touch screen as a mouse, and it even nicely supports my 3 monitors at once.

  • worsedoughnut WorseDoughnut šŸ©

    100% Certified Good Boy

    Used to mod Smash Bros Brawl on the Wii (Smash Bros Legacy TE Co-Lead & Stage 3D Modeling)

    Now Iā€™m a NYC-based Penetration Tester

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