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open letter to the NixOS foundation
  • Can someone ELI5 what's going on? Seems like they are still fighting about Nix allowing a defense company to sponsor their conferences, and trying to ad hominem the project leaders.

  • Having trouble configurating fan speed on gigabyte mainboard.
  • Have you tried to install the it87 driver for your kernel? (on AUR it's it87-git)

    I have ASUS B450M PRIME GAMING and after installing the driver, the chassis fan sensors were detected and I could use CoolerCtrl to draw the fan curve.

    I don't quite like CoolerCtrl because of its UI, seems to be web based, but it works and has a daemon mode to start minimized on startup.

  • [SOLVED] Temporarily hosting on Oracle Free tier.
  • I tried 5 different credit cards to setup my account and none of them worked for the free tier. Contacted customer support, they simply said "well we can't do anything about it, it's clearly a problem in your end and not ours even though you tried 5 different credit cards to pay for the service".

  • Never Again
  • My issues with Samsung nowadays is that they offer a very low TBW warranty compared to other brands like Kingston.

    I wanted to buy a 1TB storage for my games and I couldn't decide between Samsung and Kingston. Samsung had a 600TBW warranty for the 1TB model, Kingston had 800. I ended up choosing the KC3000 from Kingston.

  • Are there any active forks of Eternity/Infinity, or should we keep waiting for an update?
  • That's usually what happens with FOSS. The problem as I see it is that the dev doesn't have time to update the app and there's almost no one stepping up to hel fix longstanding issues. I'm pretty sure the dev will be more than happy to see people submitting PRs to fix some issues with the app :)

  • CS2 on KDE plasma goes black for a few seconds
  • For the panels issue, you can launch CS2, press Alt+F3 to open the window settings, go to configure special app settings, then set an option for the app so that it always launches in fullscreen mode.

    I also added a shortcut to make games fullscreen by pressing Ctrl+Enter.

    I believe this is a bug with KDE and should be reported to them. The same issue is reported on Valve's repository but nothing has been done from Valve's side to fix this issue.

    EDIT: link for relevant issue:

    the workaround is written in one of the comments:

    1. Open CS2
    2. Press Alt+F3
    3. Click on "More actions"
    4. Click on "Configure special applications settings"
    5. Add a property
    6. Select "Fullscreen" (click on the "+")
    7. Select "Force" and "yes" for the "Fullscreen" parameter
    8. Click on "Ok" (apply and close)
  • announcing
  • That doesn't seem to be the case. From what I read on HN, the dev quit because he thought it didn't make sense to submit CVEs for temporary/wip solutions, and F5 thought otherwise.

    So as I see it, the developer quit because he didn't agree that a CVE should be opened for a work-in-progress solution that was live on Nginx.

  • Signal usage survey, what versions do you use? Wanted for potential Flatpak adoption
  • So... not using Signal because it's based off a conspiracy theory that it's secretly funded by CIA?

    Well, let's stop using RSA and encryption because the most used secure crypto algorithms today were created by none other than the NSA!

    EDIT: None of the alternatives provided are good alternatives for Signal. Matrix is an extremely complicated protocol that lacks some features compared to normal IM apps (I use Matrix and the experience is quite close to a standard messaging app). XMPP is dead and has a very niche userbase. The others are not suitable for being a daily messaging app.

    Signal is a good alternative and while I do agree with some points, they are not bad enough to prevent you from using it (e.g. not having usernames).

  • PSA: Update your docker installation. Leaky Vessels flaws allow hackers to escape Docker, runc containers
  • It's still not an excuse to just ignore the security update because you might not be a target for hackers.

    Just check your logs, there's probably a dozen or more requests trying to access wordpress pages on your server, or login via SSH. They want to take over your server so it can be part of a botnet.

  • After 1.5 years of learning selfhosting, this is where I'm at
  • You can install the log transformer plugin for Caddy and have it produce a readable log format for fail2ban:

    I had this setup on my VPS before I moved to a k3s setup. I will take a look at how to migrate my fail2ban setup to the new server.

  • Follow-up to installing Arch
  • I had a similar issue with my laptop, where Arch wouldn't be recognized as a bootable system on my NVMe drive unless I disabled RST with Optane on the BIOS, setting it to AHCI mode.

    I do remember seeing a similar issue a while ago as well, but I don't remember if the user managed to fix it.

    I could suggest removing the Windows drive, installing Arch and checking if everything works, then plugging the Windows drive back in. Windows loves to delete non-Windoes bootloaders from every drive it can.

  • What's the best approach to deploy a static website to K8s cluster from a CI pipeline?

    I have a small VPS that hosts some services I use daily and I'd like to migrate that to a K8s cluster. One of the services being hosted is my personal website, built with Hugo and served by Caddy.

    Right now, I have the code for my website on Codeberg and I have a CI pipeline that builds the website and uploads it to my VPS via rsync.

    I want to move the website to the k8s cluster, but I have no idea how to do it "securely". What I have right now is a separate user on my VPS called deploy and it rsyncs the files to the data directory Caddy is using to serve my files.

    I thought I could do the same on the k8s cluster server, but it's usually not a good idea to mount host paths with k8s unless absolutely necessary, because container escaping is an actual problem.

    So far the only alternative I could think of is to change the CI pipeline to publish my website on another branch and signal it to my K8s cluster so the files should be updated, but I'd like to know what better options exist and how easy they are to setup.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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