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1 in 4 CEOs planning to replace workers with AI this year, according to recent poll
  • whoa, im not blaming impoverished people with poor english from taking customer service jobs... they're doing what they can with what they have...

    im saying customer service is already practically a black hole... just instead of an AI that doesn't understand or help with your problem... and regurgitates pieces of a script inappropriately, we already have that right now but with humans.

  • Hundreds of protesters clash with police in Russian republic of Bashkortostan
  • protests like that really just serve to raise awareness...
    let's the government know people are very pissed, and let's other pissed citizens know they're not alone...
    and makes unaware citizens aware of the problem...
    it's a great start, but doesn't solve anything on its own

  • Ballistics evidence not reliable nor based on science, Maryland Supreme Court says
  • well, i guess if you shoot someone, i do hope you get tricked into admitting it...
    the rest of the criminal "justice" system is bullshit, but i do prefer to separate murderers from other people...
    regarding never admitting something, sometimes it actually works in your favor... especially, or only really, if you're directly caught.
    lying to a cop will piss them off, and is technically another crime. apologizing will often get you you a warning...
    (the 5th means you don't have to incriminate yourself, but doesn't give you permission to lie)
    especially if you look chagrined and throw a "sir" in there...
    source: lifelong petty criminal
    p.s. you can kinda combine the two with "oh did i? i'm sorry... i thought i came to a full stop..." and then fight it in court.

  • Ballistics evidence not reliable nor based on science, Maryland Supreme Court says
  • i always thought the whole, bullets being like fingerprints thing, didn't make sense.
    i could see them narrowing down the type of gun... but not the exact one...
    especially since they're regularly disassembled, cleaned and oiled...

  • Biden fundraises off Trump’s Iowa win: ‘He’s the clear front runner’
  • Yes, Israel's Palestine occupation and extrajudicial civilian execution policy has been consistent since the founding of Israel.

    so either you're a complete idiot, or refusing to discuss within the constraints of reality....
    either way, completely pointless to talk to.

    p.s. have you ever heard the term ceasefire?
    jesus fucking christ, no it has NOT been consistent and yes it has escalated QUITE A FUCKING LOT LATELY!!!

    do you really not fucking get that?

    it's not the only time, but lately it's been dramatically more violent than as of recently.

    it's not about name calling, are you being deliberately obtuse?!!?

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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