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What's currently the 'smartest' language model?
  • Ollama (+ web-ui but ollama serve & && ollama run is all you need) then compare and contrast the various models

    I've had luck with Mistral for example

  • Elections
  • Russia (allegedly) has elections too however

  • Why does it feel like too much effort just to go from sitting around looking at garbage online to simply watching a film or playing a video game?
  • We might as well change the baseline for ADHD since technology has hammered everyone's dopamine receptors

  • Madlad posted this on the r/libertarian subreddit and they banned him
  • Again, those are my ideals. Realistically, not everything can be decentralized in a trustless way.

    That said, much of our current system of signing documents to verify it was done by a certain Identity can be automated. Enforcement and neorealism are a separate issue to mitigate, but the delegation of authority to humans can be automated without human involvement

  • [Help] Python Packaging Issue: How to link and to torch-bin?
  • After 6 months of trying to get this to work in NixOS I finally cracked and posted on right before I figured out how to export the appropriate library in the shellHooks function, go figure

  • [Help] Python Packaging Issue: How to link and to torch-bin? Python Packaging Issue: How to link and to torch-bin

    I’m trying to package a repo I used to use in Windows Subsystem for Linux. I’m about to resort to podman, but I’m so close to getting it to work in Nix. The original repo is here: GitHub - neonbjb/tortoise-tts: A multi-voice TTS system trained with an emphasis on quality My fork uses poetry2nix her...

    Python Packaging Issue: How to link and to torch-bin
    Madlad posted this on the r/libertarian subreddit and they banned him
  • Yes, (most) everything is feasible in smaller populations (not nuclear maintenance for example). But without technology, they've been isolated, uncoordinated, and easily bullied by those larger organized authoritarian bodies. There are billions of people, and narcissists make up about 1 in 5 of those billions of people. A smaller subset lack basic empathy, and an even smaller subset are intellectually competent. Multiply whatever that probability is by billions of people, and you have a guaranteed concern for every single government on the planet.

    I agree with wanting smaller businesses as well. Capitalism isn't bad (communism is state capitalism after all), but corporatism is the emerging problem from right libertarianism that most people conflate as problems with capitalism

    My point being isn't that I don't like leftism, they are my ideals. I just don't believe we live in an ideal world, so practically I follow a different set of beliefs. Thay said, I do think leftism is compatible with libertarianism in a way that it can compete in the global arena. And that starts off with solving how a decentralized governmental body "identifies" one and only one person to their "identity" (otherwise you get Sybil attacks)

  • Madlad posted this on the r/libertarian subreddit and they banned him
  • So, I emphasized trustless and decentralized in social organizations. "It just works for social media" isn't exactly addressing what I was getting at. For example, Lemmy has a bot account problem. All that freedom makes it harder to prevent that problem.

    But if you're talking about how a government is a system of voting bodies that authorize some action given state (policy), and authority is delegated by some means - say, voting - then the botting problem of Lemmy is not just "something that doesn't work", it's a critical failure which would enable fraud.

    So, when I brought up Sybil attacks, I was trying to avoid a long winded digression including arguments from Microsoft on Decentralized ID. But the point being, it can be decentralized. Policy is action given state but action is delegated to people inevitably. But when you vote, would you rather trust a person to count those votes or a trustless automated system?

  • Madlad posted this on the r/libertarian subreddit and they banned him
  • I said it's feasible for smaller populations - but to be comparable to the size and strength of a world power AND have that sort of left wing economics how many examples can you provide that don't end up needing authoritarianism?

    By the way, I have nothing against the left or authoritarianism. Some geographic regions lead to power dynamics where authoritarianism is just a more sensible form of management since constraints on necessary resources make it easy for militant groups to seize control.

  • Madlad posted this on the r/libertarian subreddit and they banned him
  • No one, there are already plenty of protocols defined for distributed computing and are made open source. In a hypothetical lib left social network, If you want different networks, that's fine, you just have to make your own protocol. It's like how countries shouldn't have borders, or how computing platforms shouldn't lock you in or out of others (take apple/Mac OS as an example, versus Linux)

    Then it's up to individuals to verify the source code and choose to be a node operator. Not everyone needs to be a node operator, just enough on that the common skilled worker can partake should they need to

    If you don't like the "rules of governance" of whatever network you're in, that's fine, go to a different one you do like, or make your own with your own rules. If it's actually a better system of "decentralized digital government", you'll attract people into your Network.

    Consumer grade tech is more than capable of achieving this. You don't need cpus with 2nm transistors (which are heavily gatekept by oligarchs), there's plenty of open software and hardware protocols/designs to prove not only this concept works, but has been done before by now.

    The only problem in the past was with solving the identity problem and preventing Sybil attacks, but that's becoming less of a concern for other reasons (which I could elaborate further on)

  • Madlad posted this on the r/libertarian subreddit and they banned him
  • My ideals are left lib, and I hope that social structure becomes feasible beyond small populations in the future. That said, leftism is centralized economics. And if you centralize that, you wind up with authoritarianism.

    I hope trustless and decentralized protocols make up for the inefficiencies in the long run, we're just starting to see technology catch up to make up for the inefficiencies of decentralized economics

  • I doubt you could put him in prison, he's still technically a former president, where would you put secret service for example? Lots of undefined legal gray area here

  • Hero
  • Unfortunately, it's for the best. If you're serious about research you have to present yourself. Especially if you're the first person to discover it, you're the most - possibly only - qualified person to talk about that thing.

    Part of scientific communication is giving elevator talks. You have to be able to argue for funding.

    Not to mention, if you never develop those skills, you're just opening yourself up to getting a worse financial incentive for the same amount of work

  • The way things are.
  • Giving billions of dollars of aids and weapons for decades of colonialism

  • Has someone deployed Kafka on their NixOS system? I could use some help doing it the "nix" way How to setup Kafka Server on Nixos

    I found some settings on NixOS Search I’ve added these to my configuration.nix: environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ apacheKafka ]; services.apache-kafka = { enable = true; settings = { "" = 0; "log.dirs" = [ "/tmp/kafka_logs" ]; listeners = ["PLAI...

    How to setup Kafka Server on Nixos
    Did you choose for Linux for freedom or ...
  • I wanted to be a hacker as a kid, so I had some experience with Backtrack 5. A prof said if you wanted to be a cowboy coder, do everything in your terminal. That was good advice, I've learned a lot about OS's from that

    Your OS is basically a set of drivers that allow you to leverage your hardware, as well as a package manager for managing your software, and a system for managing services (like at startup or by some event trigger)

    I'm an advanced user but NixOS has been an excellent OS, it's like all the fun of tuning arch but with less elbow grease. I was a kde neon (ubuntu base + plasma display manager + KDE desktop environment) user before

  • Making a development shell for an AI/GPU Accelerated python project with nix flakes, poetry/poetry2nix, and pypi

    Went through the pain of packaging a python project on Nixos. Here's some issues I hit, and how I got lucky resolving them. I feel the most reliable way of doing this in the future is to use docker and just imperatively build.

    Here's how I got web drivers, AI dependencies, gpu dependencies, and an api dependency bundled together into an ephemeral shell for python development, on NixOS 23.11

    1. Enable Flakes

    2. Start with setting up poetry2nix

    3. Get the template flake by running nix flake init --template github:nix-community/poetry2nix

    4. in the flake.nix, sometimes changing projectDir = self to projectDir = ./. fixed some issues

    5. in your terminal, run nix develop . to build the poetry app with python packages described in pyproject.toml

    6. By default, just poetry and python latest should be installed. the dependencies for the project (which gets reflected in the pyproject.toml) are updated with poetry add, such as poetry add numpy selenium scikit-learn

    7. Exit out of the ephemeral shell from nix develop ., and rerun to have poetry2nix rebuild and link the newly declared packages

    Poetry2nix has worked pretty well for the more obscure python packages, but failed in others. For example, sentence-transformers would depend on maturin, which would fail to link setuptools. If poetry doesn't work, you can try and get the package from nixpkgs, or specify sha256s from

    Here's an example of what I added to my flake.nix to get gpu acceleration, sentence-transfomers, firefox drivers for selenium, and other packages poetry failed to setup:

    packages = [ pkgs.poetry pkgs.python311Packages.sentence-transformers pkgs.firefox pkgs.python311Packages.openai pkgs.python311Packages.pyopencl ];

    was added to this flake.nix, as in,

    ```nix { description = "Application packaged using poetry2nix";

    inputs = { flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils"; nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; poetry2nix = { url = "github:nix-community/poetry2nix"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, poetry2nix }: flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let # see for more functions and examples. pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}; inherit (poetry2nix.lib.mkPoetry2Nix { inherit pkgs; }) mkPoetryApplication; in { packages = { myapp = mkPoetryApplication { projectDir = ./.; }; default = self.packages.${system}.myapp; }; devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell { inputsFrom = [ self.packages.${system}.myapp ]; packages = [ pkgs.poetry pkgs.python311Packages.sentence-transformers pkgs.firefox pkgs.python311Packages.openai pkgs.python311Packages.pyopencl ]; nativeBuildInputs = [( pkgs.python311Packages.buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "serpapi"; version = "0.1.5"; src = pkgs.python311Packages.fetchPypi { inherit pname version; sha256 = "b9707ed54750fdd2f62dc3a17c6a3fb7fa421dc37902fd65b2263c0ac765a1a5"; }; } )]; }; }); } ```

    There was one package (serpapi), which was not in nixpkgs, and poetry failed as well. Adding this to native build inputs got serpapi installed

    nativeBuildInputs = [( pkgs.python311Packages.buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "serpapi"; version = "0.1.5"; src = pkgs.python311Packages.fetchPypi { inherit pname version; sha256 = "b9707ed54750fdd2f62dc3a17c6a3fb7fa421dc37902fd65b2263c0ac765a1a5"; }; } )];

    All in all, it works, and I have no doubt I've made a reproducible environment. What attracts me is I've never had an easier time setting up cuda/cudnn/tensorrt/... system drivers have been near effortless, and much faster to setup than on debian. Tools like sentence-transformers and torch default to packages which leverage the GPU.

    What pushes me away, is I've had failures in each of the three methods for specifying package dependencies, even though one of the three eventually was the fix for integrating the dependencies into my shell. For now, I'll stick with it, but it's hard for me to suggest to a team we use this in development

    I'm starting to hate small business owners more than large corporations
  • I suppose they should be reported for stealing, but tax fraud (not a lawyer but this happened to a friend recently) because if you were employed by them they had to deduct that money, and if they kept your paychecks then they didn't deduct tax money for an employee, and that's lying to the IRS about financial information, which (again, not a lawyer) but sounds a lot like fraud

  • I'm starting to hate small business owners more than large corporations
  • Reported them to the IRS for tax fraud?

  • Somebody do something. Somebody?
  • End of the gold standard.

    Before, if you didn't get a raise, the minimum wage would at least keep up with inflation since it was tied to gold

  • Man pages bad
  • tldr is a billion times better than man pages,

    apt install tldr


  • How to setup unreal engine 5.3.2 on NixOS, and fix compile failures from required file not found
  • you're welcome, if you're like me and also trying to make a C++ project without Visual Studio, this got me to build the blank C++ project without visual studio. For some reason, I had to run it twice to get everything compiled/built/cooked and for unreal editor to open the project.

    Inside this folder: Engine/Build/BatchFiles/

    steam-run ./ BuildCookRun -project=/home/absolute_folder_path_location/Documents/Unreal\ Projects/VRTest/VRTest.uproject -noP4 -platform=Linux -build -cook -compile

    I'm sure there's a lot of options in RunUAT I'm forgetting that VisualStudio is a wrapper for, but this and or whatever it's called seems to be the heavy lifters that visual studio leverages

  • How to setup unreal engine 5.3.2 on NixOS, and fix compile failures from required file not found UE compile failures on latest nix

    I’ve got it to at least link appropriately. Here’s what I did, not sure if using steam-run is all I needed to do, but I did all three of the following in this thread Unreal Engine and Godot Engine nee...

    UE compile failures on latest nix
    Replacing docker/podman with Nixos?

    I setup a next.js project with pkgs.mkshell, and used nix develop to automatically build the project. However, when I leave the shell, the files persist. How should/can(?) I setup my shell.nix so that files in the directory it drops down into are automatically removed when leaving the ephemeral shell?

    yboutros yboutros

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