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A new way to protect your privacy just dropped
  • Back to gatekeeping I see.

  • A new way to protect your privacy just dropped
  • Facial recognition is a political topic, of course the comments are going to lean that way. And if you don't want to see people make political comments involving icp then Shut the fuck up. Get the fuck the out of here.

  • A new way to protect your privacy just dropped
  • They're quoting easy-e. Pretty ironic of you to pick the song where they parity themselves too.

  • A new way to protect your privacy just dropped
  • A real juggalo doesn't gatekeep, this has absolutely nothing to do with cursing.

  • A new way to protect your privacy just dropped
  • A real juggalo would never be so rude to a stranger.

  • US bans Kaspersky antivirus software due to 'national security risk'
  • Oh I understand now. I thought you were saying Kaspersky not McAfee. I didn't think they were saying McAfee was Russian, just absolute garbage bordering malware.

  • US bans Kaspersky antivirus software due to 'national security risk'
  • just like Instagram is not Chinese

    Do you mean tiktok? Because it's quite a bit more Russian than Instagram is Chinese unless there's some crazy zuck is owned by China conspiracy I'm unaware of.

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • More or less. Painting the jets was pretty awesome too. I'm just afraid the monument is going to make fewer people take them seriously.

  • Same Old Hate, Different Wrapping
  • The Caucasian race was historically regarded as a biological taxon which, depending on which of the historical race classifications was being used, usually included ancient and modern populations from all or parts of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.

    Many would be, yes. But this is all basically pseudoscience.

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • Radical in my mind is burning down an oil plant. Going after a piece of history is disgusting. At least ruffle the feathers of the people you're standing up to.

    Radical a: very different from the usual or traditional : extreme

    b: favoring extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions

    c: associated with political views, practices, and policies of extreme change

    d: advocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs

    They said burning down an oil plant is radical. Are you thinking of the slang definition of radical? The only call to action is the ruffling of feathers.

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • My wording was trash. It's not so much the "damage" done but that it doesn't feel like a productive protest and that it'll piss of more people than anything.

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • They give an example of what they consider radical and you respond with "so they should risk everything for you." That's like responding with "so you hate waffles" to a tweet saying "pancakes taste good"

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • This is the waffles tweet

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • I'm sorry dog but spray painting an ancient wonder isn't an environmental protest.

  • Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months
  • It's pretty hard to be a good person while denying the working class medical benefits.

  • Doctor accused of illegally obtaining health data of Texas Children's patients, in crusade against Transgender medical treatments
  • Considering the governor pardoned a convicted murderer i'ma guess this guy gets off

  • PSA.
  • Oh my

  • House Votes to Block U.S. Funding to Rebuild Gaza
  • Because you're blanket telling people not to vote and offering zero solutions while your high horse beggs your fat ass for reprieve.

  • House Votes to Block U.S. Funding to Rebuild Gaza
  • Stop repeating the same thing and tell us who we should vote for then. You're worse than a politician.

  • zaph zaph
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