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“Black People Were Just Less Smart Back Then” -Grandma
  • Many of these people are are still alive and voting. No one is saying generational trends can't be broken.

  • We are peers
  • I'm opening task manager to see if you're a liar.

  • Musk makes up some history with his child. Child comes on Twitter to fact check him.
  • How does a 4yo become a fan of certain music? Their parents play it endlessly. The child isn't a fan it's just what they know and have access to. Stop making excuses for other people.

  • Oh jeez
  • Maybe not the whole country but we've taken out cities.

  • Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters arrested on Capitol Hill ahead of Netanyahu visit
  • Idk why you're hung up on Biden anyway. He's done with his presidency in January and dropped out of the race.

  • Johnson warns of arrests over Netanyahu speech disruptions
  • How about an arrest over an ICC warrant?

  • Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters arrested on Capitol Hill ahead of Netanyahu visit
  • When did I give anyone a pass for genocide? You're just making shit up so you can be mad. Good luck with that.

  • Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters arrested on Capitol Hill ahead of Netanyahu visit
  • Aww, so he's one of those sweet fascists that would never kill anyone

    Not even close to what I'm saying. Do you think Hitler wasn't a fascist until his first kill or something? You don't think it's possible to see someone who supports fascist policies and prevent them from going on the killing spree? You can be a fascist before you kill someone. I promise.

  • Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters arrested on Capitol Hill ahead of Netanyahu visit
  • If you think one has to commit murder to be a fascist you should probably follow your own advice and Google.

  • Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters arrested on Capitol Hill ahead of Netanyahu visit
  • If hundreds of Trump supporters had sat in the same time/place/manner on Jan 6 rather than what happened, would you have agreed with their arrest?

    Fuck no. And they didn't.

  • Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds
  • Just saw Oklahoma has one of the lowest voter turn outs in the nation.

    Probably because you're not allowed to vote if someone from your party isn't running. We have a county sheriff race that was just decided by drawing a name out of a hat. Dems didn't get a vote.

  • The percentage of the population who did/didn't know of Crowdstrike probably reversed in the past week
  • It would and this is showerthoughts not truethingsonly

  • The percentage of the population who did/didn't know of Crowdstrike probably reversed in the past week
  • You're taking showerthoughts way too literally. It's an exaggeration. The number didn't "reverse" but it definitely multiplied. Businesses were impacted and who works for businesses? People who probably never heard of cloudstrike until it shut them down. It grounded flights and every person in an airport since then have probably heard the name. Anyone with a news app on their phone probably got a notification and know the company now. The number has drastically increased and that's the point, not that it specifically "reversed."

  • JD Vance Called Out Over Lie About His Mama's Addiction
  • He could have been a little clearer but he's saying that he wants to stop the smuggling of opiates because he knows how harmful they are from personal experience, not that his mother almost died specifically due to those opiates that are being smuggled across the border.

    Could have been a little clearer? He blantlantly tried misleading the listener. That's called a lie. He lied.

  • Oklahoma Senator wants marijuana to stay Schedule I drug, says it has no accepted medical use
  • That's because you're not getting paid by lobbyists to lie

  • My brother claims that Vanguard for League can do the same to gaming PCs that install it as CrowdStrike did to businesses who installed that, is this true? Does Vanguard have as much access/power?
  • Vanguard doesn't care if LoL or valorant or any other game is running. Vanguard is in your kernel and will be starting regardless.

  • Do you know any mobile games that don't suck?
  • I do chess puzzles on lichess

  • How to fix CrowdStrike BSODs in three minutes — fix requires manual changes, but they are simple
  • I had a customer getting the bsod on boot. Happened about 2 seconds after the windows login screen showed up so no time for anything.

  • Linux ftw
  • On Linux (with a good it department), pending app/os updates get pulled to testing machine, test to make sure it still works, have supported machines pull down that version.

    This is in no way unique to Linux.

  • The military loves fake plates sovcit.
  • Uber wouldn't have permission to come in. Secure parts of bases require CAC cards

    Active duty military can drive for Uber and they would have common access card cards.

  • zaph zaph
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