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Paramount Plus is getting yet another price hike
  • It is so bad it is capable of breaking my network connection. I literally have to turn networking off and on at times because of their mad software. Don't ask me how it does it. Both wifi and ethernet cable too.

  • Question: Any videos of Nijinsky dancing?

    I've recently been reading a little about Nijinsky and am wondering whether there is any online film of Nijinsky dancing available.

    He was committed to an asylum in 1919 and was active shortly before this. This is well within the bounds of film and given his contemporaneous popularity I'm surprised I haven't been able to find any clips of him dancing online.

    Does anyone know whether any footage exists?

    Because I've lured you here with my question I'll give you this clip of Paul Giamatti doing a brilliant reading from Nijinsky's diaries: / (beware, probably NSFW).

    AI to fix UK Civil Service's bureaucratic bungling, deputy PM bets
  • So if the LLM doesn't feel like doing its research properly then questions won't be accurately answered? And the inbuilt bias of the AI will never be challenged because all of the references it chose to include will check out? Its blind spots becoming our blind spots? It's idea of a criminal becoming our idea of a criminal?

    No wonder politicians love it.

  • Should there be a UK Minister for Men?

    A UK Member of Parliament recently suggested that there should be a Government minister for men which would presumably do similar things to the existsing minister for Women.

    This has thrown up a series of heated discussions on social media about whether this is part of the 'backlash' against feminsm, or whether there is a legitimate need for wider support of men's issues.

    As a man who believes that there are legitimate issues disproportionately affecting men which should be addressed, what I really want help in understanding is the opinion that men don't need any targetted support.

    I don't want to start a big argument, but I do want to understand this perspective, because I have struggled to understand it before and I don't like feeling like I'm missing something.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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