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Grandma’s church says Trump is all of us. She liked and shared. #LIBSinPRISON
  • You know, the bible said a little something about idolatry, but I guess remembering that is a little too inconvenient for these people.

  • How happy are you with your current distro?
  • On my desktops and laptops, I've been slowly migrating from Mint to EndeavourOS. Mint will always have a special place in my heart and I don't think I'll ever abandon it completely, but I've been falling in love with Endeavour lately. The Arch ecosystem had a bit of a learning curve, but once it clicked, it felt great. And then for servers, I've finally switched away from Ubuntu over to Debian. The familiar environment without all the bloat feels perfect to me.

  • GOG will delete cloud saves more than 200MB per game after August 31st
  • The funny thing in my case is that the only game I have going over that limit right now is Cyberpunk 2077.

  • America is next: South African minister says countries aiding Israel liable for ICC prosecution
  • Agreed. I know it's purely wishful thinking, but I dream of a day that our government can be somehow held accountable for war crimes, so that they might actually stop committing them.

  • Facts.
  • Really depends on the tea for me. I could go for a nice raspberry green tea.

  • ‘It's Important to Celebrate Your Accomplishments,' Says Woman Looking for Any Excuse to Buy a Cheesecake
  • I have the same problem with rum cake. I'm glad it takes too much effort to make for my average day or I'd be eating them all the time.

  • After Buying Up Studios, Xbox Says It Doesn't Have The Resources To Run Them
  • Basically the old EA approach. They don't seem to realize that EA never restored their reputation from those days. But, I guess they don't care as long as they can show a line going ever upward for the shareholders.

  • Apple introduces M4 chip
  • As a developer, I find it pretty frustrating having to deal with constant hardware updates. By the time you get something released that takes advantage of the hardware you have, you're already at least a generation or two behind.

  • Well that wasn't what I expected had happened to neofetch.
  • This past weekend, I picked up a little wooden craft kit. All the pieces were pre-cut and I just had to glue and fit things together. I put it together yesterday and I can confirm, it was the most satisfying thing I've built in ages.

  • Kristi Noem says the story demonstrates her willingness to "do what needs to be done."
  • I heard about this woman, but didn't read up on the details for fear it would just depress me more. Now I wish I was still blissfully ignorant. She's a fucking psychopath. There are people spending their lives in prison for a whole lot less that what she's done.

  • Trump Lawyer Argues He Could Legally Order Assassination Of Political Rival
  • I would pay good money for one of them to ask that exact question, but sadly, I'm a little too poor to buy my own SCOTUS justice. Maybe we could start a gofundme and crowdsource it?

  • US Supreme Court justices scrutinize Trump immunity claim
  • What gets me is their whole reason for overturning Roe v Wade was because they claimed their job wasn't to legislate from the bench. The only thing the current SCOTUS does consistently is fuck the people.

  • Who would you save between your cat and your worst enemy?
  • My cats are my family, so they have priority over most humans. This would only be a tough situation if it were between my cats and my best friend because I consider her to be family too. But, in that case, I would say screw the "you can only save one" mentality, I'd become like a mom who can lift a car off her baby, and somehow save them all.

  • king behavior
  • Consti... tution? Oh, do you mean that old scrape of parchment that republicans have been using as toilet paper for the last 20 years?

  • Fallout Show, so bad that no one will remember it in 3 months
  • I finished watching it yesterday. Personally, I loved it and this is the first negative thing I've heard about it.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I do not appreciate being called out like this.

  • OpenSUSE has the best installation menu of any OSs ever made
  • No shame in that, I also get the warm fuzzies when I see a nice installer.

  • What's your favorite *bad* cyberpunk movie?
  • If the theme was "so awful it's great", I think they may have nailed it.

  • What's your favorite *bad* cyberpunk movie?
  • Happy to help! It's on if you're interested in checking it out. Go search their movie database for "Super Mario Bros: The Morton Jankel Cut".

  • Please help preserve your 3DS and Wii U SpotPass data before it's too late!
  • No worries! I was unaware of the announcement, so thanks for letting me know. I just re-uploaded dumps for both. Hopefully it's all good now.

  • zib zib
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