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Favourite Leprous albums?

The Haken thread I posted a while ago generated a bit of activity so I might try it again from time to time. Let's rank Leprous' albums in anticipation for Melodies of Atonement. Feel free to include their two demos if you know them (I do not)!

  1. Coal
  2. The Congregation
  3. Bilateral
  4. Pitfalls
  5. Malina
  6. Aphelion
  7. Tall Poppy Syndrome
Favourite Haken albums?
  • The Mountain is probably their best and it's also pretty accessible.

  • The Ocean - Atlantic

    Holocene is a slow burn but it's really been clicking for me after seeing these guys live. This was perhaps the highlight of the whole show.

    Ayreon - Amazing Flight (1998)
  • Pure nostalgia for me. I went on a small road trip for my high school leavers and had some Ayreon CDs playing the whole time. By the end of the trip everyone was singing along. Absolute classic.

  • Cuteness behind bars
  • Free them 😢

  • Peter Dutton has reignited Australia’s climate wars. We factcheck the major claims
  • Dutton's so much of a spud I'm almost glad he's in charge of the LNP instead of someone more charismatic. Hopefully he never sees any real power. Can't believe that this is even a political issue up for debate, just delay delay delay and never so anything.

  • Why do so few people cycle for transport in Australia? 6 ideas on how to reap all the benefits of bikes
  • The two main reasons stopping me are lack of infrastructure (I haven't ridden a bike in ages and there's no way I'm going on a road with any traffic lol), and climate (Perth is often hot as hell, or rainy, neither of which is great unless you have a shower at work).

  • “I beg your pardon!?”
  • She munch on grass 😍

  • Visiting Perth, Mid June to Mid July
  • Oh sorry, only just noticed the "June-July", when you said summer i thought you meant Perth summer, whoops! Yes, probably not swimming weather I'm afraid.

    For breweries, I'm a fan of Rocky Ridge in Busselton, and Gage Roads in Fremantle is right on the river mouth so worth a visit at sunset. Most breweries are very family friendly!

    Giants Cave and Calgardup cave are the best imo. For nature stuff closer to the city, check out Kings Park, Herdsman Lake, and Bold Park.

    No trams here but the train system is pretty great i reckon.

  • Visiting Perth, Mid June to Mid July
  • Would recommend staying a week down south around Busselton or Margaret River if possible. It will be less hot, but still hot enough to enjoy the beaches, and there's so much to see down there: breweries/wineries, forests, caves, and heaps of beautiful coastline.

    Also check out the Perth beaches, Perth hills, spend some time around Fremantle. If you're staying for a month and you're near a train line you might want to get a SmartRider. Lmk if u have any other questions!

  • Box Office: ‘Furiosa’ Just Barely Beats ‘The Garfield Movie’ in Disastrous Memorial Day Weekend — the Worst in Decades
  • Shame, i thought Furiosa was awesome, although there were only about 5 people in the cinema. The critics seem to be giving pretty favourable reviews too, would definitely recommend going and checking it out. Hope this isnt the nail in the coffin of Mad Max.

  • Male Superb Fairywren (Maluro Soberbio) - Kedron Brook Wetlands Reserve, Brisbane, Australia - May 2024
  • Lovely fellas! I've been seeing a few red wing fairy wrens this week I'm WA, bloody tricky to get a pic of them though - well done!

  • UQ students standing in solidarity with Palestine
  • One opening at Curtin Uni (WA) today as well. Curious to see how universities handle it, the demands seem pretty reasonable to me.

  • Desert Tree Frog

    These guys are so pretty, they love hanging out around toilets in the outback.

    What does the future hold for Freo?
  • It feels like Freo and most suburbs are stuck between a rock and a hard place. We desperately need more places to live in, and NIMBYs are usually blamed for opposing this. But when you look at the absolute shite that developers are building for people to live in, I find it hard not to empathise with them somewhat. Once heritage is destroyed and replaced by a concrete jungle, that cannot be undone.

  • I'm Alive (as of April 2024) - FriendlyJordies
  • I don't hate him but I wish people would watch his videos with a bit more critical thinking. I've talked to a few left-wing people that were swayed into voting Labor (or in one instance, Bob Katter) because he did a video before the last federal election that ridiculed preferential voting. I watched this video and it was filled with straight-up misinformation (I've worked as a vote issuer/counter many times before). In my experience he's not actually made Australia more progressive, I don't know any of his viewers that have switched from LNP to Labor, but a few that have gone from Greens to Labor. I don't know if they still do it but he used to have a brigading group on Facebook, which always spread his videos around and filled them with positive comments on Reddit and the like. I know he's popular outside of that but it's hard to determine exactly how organic his reach is.

  • New C-series train hits the tracks
  • I feel like the B series only arrived on the Freo line a few years ago, might have to go out of my way to check these new ones out.

  • Great egret
  • long

  • Favourite Haken albums?

    In honour of their upcoming Australian tour (and to get some activity here lol), how would everyone rank Haken's discography?

    I love all their stuff, but for me...

    1. Affinity
    2. The Mountain
    3. Aquarius
    4. Vector
    5. Fauna
    6. Visions
    7. Enter the 5th Dimension
    8. Restoration
    9. Virus (still a fan, just not as much as the rest)
    Volatile communication in plants relies on a KAI2-mediated signalling pathway

    Cool paper from my field. In every plant species there's a hormone receptor sitting there but we don't know what the hormone is yet! Finding the ligand has become a bit of a holy grail for many researchers. This study finds an endogenous ligand for a divergent homologue of this receptor, not of much consequence to most plant species but still enough to have people turning heads.

    Pink-eared duck

    Herdsman Lake, Western Australia

    Unknown frog in the desert (Payne's Find, Western Australia)

    Several 2cm long frogs were found in this tiny little granite pool in the desert. Any IDs would be welcome, I suspect it could be a Litoria of some sort.

    Surge in WA emissions puts Australia’s net zero targets in doubt
  • We've had so long to future-proof our state, to invest in an economy of intellectual-based exports, or even some novel manufacturing... but no, the best we can still muster is digging up rocks and gas. And letting other people profit from it.

    I can only hope we see some more disruptive protests at some point, because it's hard to see Labor doing anything about the climate crisis. You'd think that their overwhelming majority at the state level would've shifted the overton window left but this feels like a pretty conservative Labor government.

  • Rule
  • Ehh that's a very cynical and kinda misleading take of how it works. This may be generally true in the house of representatives but still 12% of the seats don't end up funnelled to the two major parties. In the senate a quarter of senators aren't affiliated with either major party and at the moment it requires Labor to collaborate to pass bills, so although we do have two major parties we are nowhere near being a two-party system.

  • Nospūn - Earwyrm
    Sam Kerr allegedly called police officer a ‘stupid white bastard’, source says
  • I get that it makes sense to have laws to protect people against racially aggravated harassment, but this feels like a stretch and a huge waste of time and resources. That said, Sam Kerr is a role model and this kinda behaviour shouldn't be seen as 'based' or anything imo.

  • Great Crested Grebe
  • Wow, I had no idea! I wonder if they migrate or just have widespread populations.

  • Great Crested Grebe

    Herdsman Lake, Western Australia

    WA Sunsets - post them here
  • Freo harbour from the ferris wheel (cheeky valentines day treat)

  • Caligula's Horse - The Stormchaser

    Only one week until Charcoal Grace is released, already looking like an early AOTY to me!

    Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Hush, Hush

    Third single from Of The Last Human Being. So glad these guys are back!

    Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Salamander in Two Worlds

    Their first new music in 17 years!

    King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Dragon

    Still possibly my favourite album to come out this year, and they're not even a typical prog metal band.

    ziltoid101 ziltoid101
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