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Absolutely no fat-shaming, skinny-shaming, or shape-shaming.
Be positive about people’s bodies but don’t be fetishistic.
Don’t shame or disparage people for their fitness level.
Do not offer unsolicited criticism.
If you post a selfie, make special care that identifying marks are removed.
No doomposting about your body.
A fascist worked out today, did you?
“I’m an ardent believer in equality, and being in the Communist Party is a way to spread this form of socialism and freedom for all the people”-Jeff Monson
“Every worker sportsman must be a soldier of the revolution”-Spartakiad
I'm tall, slim and at a beginner-to-intermediate level. My plan is to work out 3 days per week. My main aims are functional strength and calisthenics, supplemented by endurance and flexibility.
So I've been going to the gym since last August and up till now I've looked at individual bits and pieces of information, prepared a general sense of what to do and then kinda improvised when there.
My workout sessions are 2 hours yet I feel like I'm still missing things, maybe I'm just slow? I also 20 minutes on warm-up stretches to cover everything relevant for the day. I can't judge if that's too much and if so how to reduce it in both cases.
Seriously, if you can, just do it. I decided to work on my hip mobility and splits after a very long time and my god, I feel so much better. It relieved pain in my legs, back and a little bit of my desk-borne headache. If you have trouble getting started, find one particular stretch you would like to be able to do, preferably some tangible goal like a full split, and hyper focus on that.
My day job involves entering people's basements, and I run into an unused treadmill about once a week. I finally got up the gumption to ask for one, and I managed to snag it and bring it home using my work van. (My car isn't big enough to move this kind of shit around, which also made it difficult for me to grab a free treadmill from craigslist.) I was hesitant to spend money on a treadmill because I worried that it would suck, I wouldn't use it, my spare money can be better used for mutual aid, etc., but I've been wanting a treadmill for years. Sometimes the weather sucks (freezing rain, for instance) and I don't want to go running outside, but thanks to the glories of this random treadmill it's just also so easy now to head into my basement and walk for an hour while fucking around on my phone. It's also helped with my sleep issues a lot.
Just wanted to advocate for this in case anyone else is in a similar situation.
Got sick mid October and when I came back to the gym, the 10% deload was still too much, so I went all the way back down to 100kg and now I'm here. I remember being really scared of 117.5 kg (as you can see on the graph), this feels crazy.
So I use an app for tracking my lifts and it uses that data to show me a few different graphs, including my estimated 1RM. However, this calculated 1rm is based on each individual set, not on all sets - for example I did a set of 4 at 60kg for OHP, but that was my last set, I did 2 more at the same weight for 5 reps each before that. So, yes, it might be accurate to say on the last set, my 1rm was around 65kg, that says nothing about what my 1rm is while not fatigued.
At the moment, I'm just curious what the numbers would be, but I know some routines depend on your 1rm to determine how much you should lift and I'd like to try those at some point. Is this something that is just going to waste a workout session in order to figure out?
I've really tried with this movement I think. Looked up videos for help with form, but it seems like every one I watch has the back at a different angle. Doesn't matter what the angle is, it's uncomfortable and starts hurting my back if I do it for too long. In fact, it feels more like a lower back exercise than upper back, where I don't feel it at all. The weight is either too light and I don't have to focus on form, but it doesn't feel like I'm hitting the muscle groups I want, or it's too heavy and I'm unable to maintain good form at all. There is no in between weight here.
Additionally, and most importantly, it doesn't feel like there's a way to really struggle through the last few reps. I'm not sure how else to put this, but with squats or other movement I'm comfortable with, the last few reps get really hard but I feel like I can go all out and try really hard to finish them and it actually gets me exhausted. This doesn't happen with rows - the last few reps my form just gives
I'm in potato shape and haven't exercised in quite some time. Anyone got some useful advice to prevent me from hurting myself and keeping motivation to get fit?
I'm an amateur runner and yesterday I finally managed a 5K at a decent pace. 28 minutes 9 seconds. I was never fit at all when I was younger and I still think I'm pretty lazy, but I have numbers I can point to that indicate improvement!
I just wanted to brag a lil since I've heard under 30 for a 5k is pretty decent
I'm on the fence of buying a rowing machine once I get my own apartment. I see a few on amazon going for under $200 with over 4 star reviews and think it would be a good intro to cardio/basic whole body muscle building but don't want to waste money on cheap crap. The main downsides from the reviews aren't the build quality but the top level of resistance.
I'm the most out of shape I've ever been, haven't done any sports or real consistant exercise in years and am wondering if a lower end rowing machine would be a good way to start. When I was super active my main sports were first baseball then skateboarding and snowboarding so I've never had a lot of arm or upper body strength, mostly leg and core. I'm 5'10'' and weigh like 180 now, not trying to get swol ASAP just be healthier and build confidence and establish a routine to eventually get more fit.
also how hard is it on your knees? I'd like my gf to be able to use it too but she has some bad knee issues that flair up which make m
There are no windows and all the equipment is from the 90s but it's all sturdy so it doesn't matter. I am excited because it's cheaper than PF, closer to my house, and also has boxing lessons. Wop wop wop wop.
Gotta convert all my dumbbell weights to barbell now tho.
I've been running regularly since August, gradually upping the distance, getting faster, and learning how not to obliterate my hips, knees, legs and feet. Although it took longer than I had hoped I finally managed to run a half marathon yesterday in the town of Aomori, Japan. It just so happened that the start line for their half marathon course was outside my hotel so I thought why not just go for it.
I set out with 2 running gel sachets and a bottle of water and started pounding down the coast road. 8.5km to the outside of the city, turn around back to the start, then over a road bridge for a few more Kms before returning home. I managed to PR my 10km, 15km, and 10miles and got a 1:51:03 for the half marathon.
I'm super stoked. Insanely pleased I got sub 2 hours on my first attempt, and I can't believe I finally did it.
My legs feel fine today, a little sore but nothing terrible.
I’ve been trying to summit Mount Diablo since I was a teenager. I don’t live in the bay area but I have a lot of family that does so been there many times. Got farther than ever before so I consider it a success. About a 1/2 mile from the top we came to a stretch with a skinny path and a 1000 foot drop and I just couldn’t do it. About 50 ft in I got down on my hands and knees and the people I was with laughed at me and said yeah that’s not gonna work we should just go back so we did. If I lived near mountains I would do this every week. Got a mild fear of heights but as long as the drop offs aren’t too severe it's a lot of fun the views are amazing and a great workout.
So I am going to sign up for a 15 mile race 7 months from now. The entire race is at high altitude and a lots of elevation gain. I've only done 5ks before and I always have a lot of trouble with hills. I'm wondering what level of training I'm going to need to do to get better at hills, trails, and altitude. So far my road record for distance is 6mi and my trail record is 4mi.
Am I making a mistake or not (I'm doing this either way)?
Been working out consistently for about 3 months now using a beginner plan (Grey skulls lp) and I think I'm hitting plateaus just using linear progression. I'm up to:
DL: 120kg
Squat: 120kg
Bench: 75kg
OHP: 55kg
And I've had to deload all those weights twice, so I think now is a good time to find a different routine. I was looking at 5/3/1, but I'm not really sure I understand it well and there's a lot of variations (reddit also seems vague on details cause they want you to buy the books or something, idk). The volume also looks kinda ridiculous and I don't wanna spend more than an hour and a half at the gym everytime.
So yeah, sorta progress update, sorta asking where to go next.