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Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Who hates him? Republicans sure don't.

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    Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Wtf are you talking about? He's like the best possible candidate for Republicans

  • Featured
    Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • That's because he does

  • Featured
    Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • It's cocover, she's not winning:

  • More 👏 Women 👏 War 👏 Criminals
  • The F22's only A2A kills are in fact, balloons

  • Dude... I was fishing and a hexbear just ran by, bit a chunk off the flesh of my arm and kept running
  • Yeah, that happens sometimes when you forget to debarb your hooks or if you don't wet your hands before handing a catch. You should probably take your forceps to all of your hooks to prevent this.

  • If you start playing an RPG by googling "best class" or "best build" - fuck you
  • My rule is that the people that deal the most damage get primaried the most so the challenge scales to everyone's ability

  • If you start playing an RPG by googling "best class" or "best build" - fuck you
  • This will inevitably lead to LD_PRELOAD shenanigans and discourse about the aforementioned shenanigans

  • If you start playing an RPG by googling "best class" or "best build" - fuck you
  • I'd you're on steam I recommend using shift-tab to keep a journal of quests and people

  • If you start playing an RPG by googling "best class" or "best build" - fuck you
  • i have never found the maiden i gave up after getting killed by that horse knight guy on the way to the tree right after that first camp every fucking time, fuck elden ring)

    The point of the Tree Sentinel is to set the tone of the game. In most RPGs the world is built for you and more or less caters to your success. The tree sentinel is there to tell you that the lands between are not like that and losing vigilance for a few seconds will kill you.

    Also I recommend crouching and hooking as far around it as possible. If you are running past the tree sentinel or trying to fight it, you've already died.

  • It's kind of scary to think back on old porn from the 60's and 70's were the people were just like average then you get to the 80's, the time of hypercapitalism, and suddenly everyone's all plastic.
  • The issue is that pornography portrays an infeasible standard for most people's bodies. When perfection is the norm, nobody's good enough.

  • It's kind of scary to think back on old porn from the 60's and 70's were the people were just like average then you get to the 80's, the time of hypercapitalism, and suddenly everyone's all plastic.
  • But you see, Ms. Detective, you missed once crucial fact. My duck is throbbing right now and I'm a good person. A good person's dick wouldn't get hard from bad things, now would it?

    Seriously, people are far too attached to their treats, especially when it's porn.

  • If you start playing an RPG by googling "best class" or "best build" - fuck you
  • The guy who makes the most broken possible spell combos so he can watch the DM get redder and redder is cool though

  • If you could be a bug, what kind of bug would you be?
  • Monarch butterfly because going to Canada and Mexico every year seems cool

  • So NASA built the rover but can't launch it because of Bad Country The Dumbest NASA Decision In Years? Why NASA is Being Forced To Ground Rover and Sent Ballast.

    Announced on Wednesday is the cancellation of the VIPER mission to the moon, this is shocking because the Rover is finished construction and just needs a test session. Moreover, NASA is contractually required to pay Astrobotic to fly a NASA payload to the moon, so they have to pay for this anyway. I...

    The Dumbest NASA Decision In Years? Why NASA is Being Forced To Ground Rover and Sent Ballast.