That’s how it’s supposed to work, elected officials represent their constituents not their party
That's not how Republicans work though, tow the party line is sort of their mantra
That’s irrelevant to saying not doing that isn’t something to criticize
It is something to criticize, especially so if it's a value the Republican party admits to not caring about. It also makes the current tension all the more interesting, it's unusual for there to not be unity
Uh, no, this is not in fact how it's supposed to work. Not even close. This is why it's never happened before.
How is it supposed to work?
How it's always worked in the past?
I dunno, do you have a better idea?
You said representatives aren't supposed to represent their constituents - who are they supposed to represent?
Reality is that they frequently tend only represent their constituents enough to remain in power while focusing on representing their donors, but they should be representing their constituents - that's literally how the model is designed and defined.