culture war
Jokes on them, I'm actively waging a War on Christmas because somebody's gotta be on the side of against Christmas.
Happy Holidays mfers
Christmas started it by invading October.
Hells yeah! Us anti-Christmas guys gotta stick together!
Fuck Christmas! I never really liked you anyway! Made me cry when I was a little kid and Santa brought way more toys to my friends than me!
Hahahha this kid gets trashed by his parents and wants the same to the rest of the kids now that he is a "grown up" Hahaha go to the Doc, baby. He may be able to help
Lighten the fuck up Francis. Sometimes dark humor is just that. Not everything has to be a great big huge drama.
Besides, my parents weren't "trashing" me, they were poor, simple as that, you fucking idiot.
Lololol. "Happy holidays" good gravy somebody stop this person before they spread anymore cheer! It's ruining our country!