I remember one night me and a friend passed a handle of gin back and forth and drank the whole thing right from the bottle. What the hell happened? That was only like 15 years ago.
You ever heard of Bacardi 151? It was an alcohol that was 151 proof. 75% alcohol by volume.
My friend used to buy this $80 bottle. It was huge. Bought it every week. We'd do shots from 7pm, until ?????. We'd wake up the next day, bottle empty, no clue what happened past 10pm, but we'd always find evidence we were up until at least 6am.
They don't even MAKE that stuff anymore because they said it was too dangerous.
Now I drink like 6-8 beers and I'm thinking its getting late.
Someone said to me that even if the majority would now vote for a third party, they wouldn't get anything done because the Senate Ave Congress are still all dems and reps.
I don't know enough about how US elections work though