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  • And I guess they're able to hear wake words through magic?

    • How much computing power do you think it takes to approximately recognise a predefined word or phrase? They do that locally, on device, and then stream whatever audio follows to more powerful computers in AWS (the cloud). To get ahead of whatever conspiratorial crap you're about to say next, Alexa devices are not powerful enough to transcribe arbitrary speech.

      Again, to repeat, people smarter than you and me have analysed the network traffic from Alexa devices and independently verified that it is not streaming audio (or transcripts) unless it has heard something close (i.e close enough such that the fairly primative audio processing (which is primitive because it's cheap, not for conspiracy reasons) recognises it) to the wake word. I have also observed this, albeit with rigorous methodology. You can check this yourself, why don't you do that and verify for yourself whether this conspiracy holds up?

      • Cool man. I'll keep my microphones physically turned off on my devices, thanks.

        • I'm going to treat you with good faith and assume you were using "cool man" in the same way someone might say "that's just like your opinion man", as a saying, but I will remind you that this person has their pronouns in their display name and you need to respect them.

        • Not a man. My pronouns are in my username. Even you can connect the dots here.

        • I'd love to know why you think it's okay to insult her like that.

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