I'm still not convinced Luigi is the guy but if he is..
I'm still not convinced Luigi is the guy but if he is..
I'm still not convinced Luigi is the guy but if he is..
The sooner we realize the "left vs right" battle is a facade put up to distract and divide us, the sooner we realize what terrifies the upper class: we're much stronger together.
Unless you're a Nazi, then you can get fucked.
Bernie said it in 2000. The right uses single issue tactics to divide us. The real war is against the rich and poor.
Bernie has been speaking truth to power on this longer than I've been alive, which is why the ruling class killed both his presidential campaigns.
Now, we're seeing the logical conclusion that plays out when people feel like there's no way to win this fight at the polls.
Amusingly, this kind of thing makes me think about gun laws.
Everyone believes it's impossible for gun control, but I would bet my life that if the rich got too unsettled we would see some swift and heavy restrictions set up.
It's all class warfare. Always has been.
This is part of why I'm a pro gun leftist.
No, police arrest and kill rich black people in the US too.
https://apnews.com/article/business-nancy-pelosi-congress-8685e82eb6d6e5b42413417f3d5d6775 (Pelosi defends lawmaker stock trades, citing ‘free market’)
Our political "left," ladies and germs.
pelosi ain't left at all. not by a long ....road
We have maybe 2-4 individuals in all of Congress, none promoted within the DNC as that is determined by how well you "fundraise," aka demonstrate you're willing and able to get the biggest bribe checks, that might actually hold some economically leftist ideals.
They are hated and undermined by both parties harder than either party fights the other. The DNC and leaders like Pelosi and Schumer are far more at ease with Trump being President than They would with AOC.
https://www.commondreams.org/news/aoc-and-nancy-pelosi (Nancy Pelosi 'Making Calls' to Undermine AOC's Bid for Top Oversight Role)
Behold Democrat leadership's priorities a month before Trump takes office, kneecap the farthest left member of her chamber yet again.
Exactly their point, it's not left vs right, it's the ruling class vs the laborers
But how will red Fascists justify their governments if they can't claim the people wanting freedom are evil?
What of course doesn't disagree any bit to what you said. But expect some coordinated and well founded opposition every time you try to claim "left" and "right" are bullshit.
That's true, but the opposition has shown their strategy already: to redirect public unrest towards marginalized groups and social policies, and away from the bourgeoisie. The result is right-leaning people getting captured in a funnel that starts with "society is too woke" and ends in full blown fascism.
So how do we counter it? By maintaining a grassroots effort to bring people out of that funnel by showing worker solidarity and uniting against the ruling class.
If you push someone away because they voted for the wrong candidate or don't agree with you on some social cause, some fascist talking head on YouTube will be right there to swoop them up.
If you push someone away because they voted for the wrong candidate or don't agree with you on some social cause, some fascist talking head on YouTube will be right there to swoop them up.
I feel that about my older boomer relatives and friends - they are very right wing, but they have more in common with leftists than the true interests of the Republican Party, and if they’d just stop believing dumb shit, they will be ready for a change (of whatever form that may take). They are also firm belivers in the second Amendment and drive large trucks. I wonder where the right will land on gun control if, heaven forbid, copy cat CEO killings occur.
We’ll see if they fall in line or if shit gets real, I guess?
Your right wing friends and family - their lived experience has proven that the system doesn't work for them, and they're rightfully pissed off.
My Trump loving relatives used to be Bernie supporters. If you can speak to what they already know - that our country is failing them and we need real change - they'll realize that we all have a lot more in common than the establishment gives us credit for.