There is a wide disparity between ethnic groups in the U.S. as well as gender. For example, an Asian woman is expected to live to 85.6, while for a Black man, the figure is 66.7 years.
Almost 20 fucking years! That’s beyond absurd, holy shit.
Have you seen what white people eat and the average weight of white people and Asians in the US?
Also that number is a bit disingenuous, should've compared Asian women to black women, Asian men to black men (edit: not saying that black people don't have a much lower life expectancy than average, just that it's a dishonest statistic for the article to compare against which hurts its credibility)
Women live longer than men in every country because men are more likely to have heart issues and a bunch of other fatal issues later in life
Oh yea, idk my brain kinda short circuited cause I just woke up and the parent comment was talking about Asian women and black men and then I was responding to an asian and white life expectancy comment
I have no idea what any of us were trying to say tbh