There is a wide disparity between ethnic groups in the U.S. as well as gender. For example, an Asian woman is expected to live to 85.6, while for a Black man, the figure is 66.7 years.
Almost 20 fucking years! That’s beyond absurd, holy shit.
Have you seen what white people eat and the average weight of white people and Asians in the US?
Also that number is a bit disingenuous, should've compared Asian women to black women, Asian men to black men (edit: not saying that black people don't have a much lower life expectancy than average, just that it's a dishonest statistic for the article to compare against which hurts its credibility)
Women live longer than men in every country because men are more likely to have heart issues and a bunch of other fatal issues later in life
That's only because the namby pamby definition of "quality of life" doesn't include key metrics like the ability to own automatic weapons and drive needlessly massive trucks.
This is an older article. In the meantime, China did overtake the US in life expectancy.
Also, IIRC, even if you compare it by wealth, the American 10% richest live less than other “developed” countries 10%. It’s like the whole country is cursed.
I think it's the food. Their food is so atrocious. Everything is loaded with either fat, sugar or both. They have very few health restrictions for how to preserve food ingredients, especially meat. The eating habits are also bad, eating fried bacon or eggs for breakfast is horrible for your health.
The life expectancy drop of black and brown people in the US since covid is actually slightly bigger than the drop after the toppling of the Soviet Union, the previous largest on record.
This life expectancy in the US is buoyed by a scale of procedures that is mind-boggling. There are over 500k coronary artery bypass graft procedures each year (take an artery from your leg and graft it on your heart because your heart artery is failing). Just as many are on dialysis because their kidneys are failing. I am not trying to suggest that these people should not be helped with these life-saving treatments, I am merely underscoring the extreme lengths that the american medical system goes to compensate for a deadly western diet pattern at the root of these ailments.
I highly recommend shifting diet towards mostly whole or minimally-processed plant-based foods, along with consuming animal products and highly processed foods sparingly to age more gracefully.
Agreed. I'm interested to see how a supermarket in Germany charging some externalities for the items it sells goes. Because it seems to be just 9 products at one chain, I am a bit cynical regarding how much this will accomplish, but it will nevertheless be interesting.