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Biden is electable if you vote for him
  • Good thing I'm British then. First and last time I'll ever say that

  • The highlight of Biden's first term in office is this product
  • And Americans make fun of Chinese people for hanging a portrait of Mao in their living rooms or Koreans with pictures of Kim on buildings

  • Americans get way less vacation days than other countries, but still don't use all of their days
  • I know so many coworkers who even do work while taking vacation lmao

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • She's pretty, rich, and makes positive catchy music

    There's basically nothing controversial about her immediate image until you dig deeper which 99% of people don't

  • Rare China L.
  • Hfuu

  • The price of fee-dom is steep.
  • People in all those other countries are on average wayyy lighter and healthier than Americans. There's definitely more demand and usage in USA just because of that. America also has one of the highest rates of aesthetic procedures as well

  • Essentially going to my first concert, what do?
  • If it's a weed friendly city, smoking a joint during the show is a-okay, no ciggies tho

    If you're at the very front, you can stay a little bit after the show and try to get the setlist paper or the band may pass out guitar picks or smth

  • The price of fee-dom is steep.
  • I don't always, but this entire thread is mostly circlejerking about US healthcare bad (like we all already know that) and random shitting on the American working class???

  • The price of fee-dom is steep.
  • Y'all realise this is mostly because ozempic has become trendy in America as a weight loss medication because it came out a ton of celebrities were using it right?

  • Is this type of delivery service a nice thing, or plain dystopia?
  • this is just a reverse mail delivery person. it probably sucks cause of quotas and low pay but dystopia is a much stronger word than I would use

  • How many of you have high paying jobs, and how have you prevented your material means and social circles from eroding your leftist convictions?
  • lie on your resume. people in my field do it all the time. you either can do the job or you can't and get fired in which case you lie on your resume and try again elsewhere

  • Looks like I got promoted from BazingaLand to BazingaWorld at work today
  • I think there's an app for the car

    Iirc that's actually the only way to unlock it lol

  • Applied to more than hundred jobs last night, and already five rejections...
  • Lol don't do it recruiting tools don't use llms and if they parse your resume to plaintext no formatting you'll probably get auto rejected if a human ever reads it

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • I doubt America would fire back at China to defend the Philippines

  • I want to show yall my favorite band: Neutral Milk Hotel
  • how online am I if I think this is a bit?

  • Slurs becoming normalized in 2024?
  • People are starting to get really tired of "woke" culture and pretending they're progressive

  • Nvidia eclipses Microsoft as world's most valuable company
  • The cascading destruction of shitty gen AI startups and big tech valuations would probably cause an AI dotcom burst data-laughing

  • Removed
    Do you think there's an inverse correlation between how much a man cares about bodybuilding himself and his penis length?
  • Men bodybuild to deal with their homoerotic desires and sexual tensions with other men πŸ‘©β€πŸ«πŸ“

  • Best bits of theory to suggest a friend who feels like a failure to read for therapeutical reasons?

    They're feeling like a failure because of job shit and if they get fired they're probably gonna get deported back after their family spent essentially their entire life savings (and more?) to support them studying abroad

    So far I got:

    Industrial Reserve Army (Reserve Army of Labor)

    Tendency for Rate of Profit to fall (to understand increasing exploitation of workers)

    I want to try and keep things light

    Black Dresses final album - LAUGHINGFISH


    A new global gender divide is emerging

    Also, data for Americans:

    [Opinion poll by industry workers] Google (and Facebook, Apple, Amazon, etc.) has been infiltrated by Chinese intelligence

    Over the last year since I've moved to SV, I've slowly more and more unironically wanted to become a startup founder not for the money, but just so I can exploit and lord over the tech bros here I hate them all so fucking much

    I worked at a random Target store for 9 hours for free! Madison on Instagram: "I worked at a random Target store for free! #cleaning #tiktok #shopping #challenge"

    213K likes, 3,704 comments - ugh_madisonn on December 29, 2023: "I worked at a random Target store for free! #cleaning #tiktok #shopping #challenge"

    Madison on Instagram: "I worked at a random Target store for free! #cleaning #tiktok #shopping #challenge"

    Same girl working at Walmart for free

    Zionist or Nazi? Who Said This? (I got 10/20) Zionist or Nazi? Who Said This?

    Disclaimer: this quiz is part of a research on perceptions of hate speech and is not meant to hurt anyone's sentiments. We do not seek to target any ethnicity or religion. Political ideologies however should be scrutinized and challenged. Zionism does not represent all Jews just like Nazism does not...

    Zionist or Nazi? Who Said This?
    Reuters redefining the word recession for Germany

    The Yahoo article is from DPA, a German newspaper. Even the German press itself is more honest and less propagandistic than Reuters

    Germany has contracted in the last 2 quarters btw, -0.1%, -0.3%

    Human plating Memes by Matt on Instagram

    46K likes, 3,368 comments - eclipsegotban on November 28, 2023

    Memes by Matt on Instagram
    GaveUp GaveUp [she/her]


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