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Trans Megathread from January 13th, 2024 to January 19th, 2024

"Nearly every social event I have attended with [communists] has inevitably had some conversation about linux, furry culture, obscure leftist history, tabletop games, or other equally nerdy subjects"

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As a reminder, please do not discuss current struggle sessions in the mega. We want this to be a little oasis for all of us and the best way to do that is not to feed into existing conflict on the site.

Also, be sure to properly give content warnings and put sensitive subjects behind proper spoiler tags. It's for the mental health of not just your comrades, but yourself as well.

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  • Going back and looking at older trans megas feels strangely nostalgic, and it makes me realize just how many people have come and gone. Granted, many could very well be on alt accounts, but seeing (-57) comments on a thread also gives me some sense of dread. Really hammers home just how fleeting this all could be, and how much things can change in a matter of months. I just hope everyone from back then is alright.

    • i find it sad too, but i guess it's how it goes with niche anonymous online spaces... i do wonder about the factors that caused the megas to have sooooo much activity for a while there though, and comparatively less now.

      • I've have theories involving the tracha matrix room and/or seasonal depression, but there's no guarantee that's the cause. The activity could always quickly rise like it did last summer, that's around when I first joined and started posting on the mega, but new users joining wouldn't explain the reduction in activity. Megas now tend not to go higher than the megas before pride month, which also could have been a cause of increased activity, but even then, things just feel slower now.