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  • I think we should be careful how vociferously we come to the defense of Greenwald. He is at best an opportunist aligned with anti imperial aims coincidentally. TERF Island is full of bad takes and I don't think our breadtube boys here are taking the most nuanced position, definitely room for criticism.

    But as an assessment of Greenwald I don't think he's far off the mark. I have deep misgivings about him and don't like that he ends up saying similar things to the left right now, I think it's a potentially destructive situation for us. He's a grifting hack.

    I dunno, maybe I need to kill my heroes. Are Shaun and Hbomb NAFO-ing on the rest of their media? Alice from wtyp-gang is pretty vocally pro-Ukraine too. I still listen though. I dunno, I think a lot of these folks separate NATO from Ukraine in their minds. Maybe that's naive of them but it's the vibe I get from Alice at least.

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