I was one of the last people who wore the mask here. I stopped wearing, as I began to become less immune to cold, cough and common illnesses, and I have contracted Omicron atleast twice throughout the pandemic. COVID cases are more or less non existent here. However, if a public space is too crowded, I do prefer wearing one as there are way too many assholes with bad sneezing manners.
I have no health issues as I am my own nutritionist (dad is a doc so I read up his books on nutrition in free time as a kid) and I eat meat, eggs, dairy, peanut butter, all that stuff with B complex supplement. However, I did stop working out as I got depression, which I need to start again. The only problem I see is not getting enough Vitamin D, but that is because I do not get my sunlight, which could be corrected by... touching grass. Seriously, go get the sunshine for 30 minutes 3 times a week.
Because eggs and meat are practically irreplaceable by vegan diet, and egg is well known as a superfood. I am not an idiot to make my life revolve around veganism, instead of far better things I could accomplish with my time, brain and resources. When I can replace half a kilo of greens with a smaller proportion that looks like 2-3 eggs for similar amount of nutrition, remind me in a few centuries.
Anyway, I just remembered the not so nice interaction we had few days ago.