The most powerful man in the House doesn't like divorce
The most powerful man in the House doesn't like divorce

Speaker Mike Johnson has been talking about it for decades, and now he’s got a larger audience.

The most powerful man in the House doesn't like divorce
Speaker Mike Johnson has been talking about it for decades, and now he’s got a larger audience.
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People shouldn't be forced to be trapped in their shitty marriages if they don't want to be, and not everyone needs a reason to fall out of love, or to realize they were never in love, sometimes it just happens, love is just brain chemistry and the focus of that love tends to change over your lifetime, so divorces shouldn't need to be proven, all a divorce should need is one side calling it quits on the marriage, and we all should learn to respect that.
Domestic abusers love this idea
No dummy, this type of shit is exactly what increases domestic violence, spousal rape, and spousal murder.
Time to grow the fuck up and realize a wife isn't a sex doll combined with a domestic servant.
If this is your religion telling you this then fuck your religion, and any other religion that offers abusive lines of thinking like this.
Do you realize that just saying no to everything doesn't constitute an actual discussion? How about giving an actual reason or logic for what you're arguing rather than just saying no increasingly louder like a child. Or is that what your priest told you when you started asking questions?
He's a "feelings, not facts" kind of guy. You can't win with logic, only the block button.
Amen to that, pal.
Are you saying that a cons' primal scream of rage is not an actual argument? How dare you!
Some discussions don’t merit justification.
What you have offered, Fishshake, is not discussion at all, but a toddler-like repetition of the word "no" as though you are just now learning the power of language. Congratulations on your personal milestone there, buddy. But I don't feel like waiting for you to reach maturity so I am blocking you now. Feel free to have the last word, and be sure to "no" it all to hell so that others can get a laugh out of it too. Buhbye.
The facts don't care about your feelings, idiot (and the facts say you're completely wrong).
You're describing enabling domestic abuse, even though you think you aren't.
Lol, tell me you think you should be able to abuse your wife without just SAYING "I should be able to abuse my wife if I wanna!"
Can you provide us a detailed description of how divorces and marriages should work instead of one sentences per comment? I’m genuinely curious.
Did some hurt you? Was you no longer able to abuse or control someone? Because you feel really strongly about this. Our are you just trolling?
But why? What's your reasoning behind why people divorcing or wanting out of a relationship is a bad thing?
Smells like a troll to me.
Moral reality. There it is. This dude personally thinks it's wrong, which means with no other good reason every single other person in the country must go along with it. If you think a divorce is morally wrong, don't get one. Knock yourself out. Find a partner who doesn't want to get one. But you have no right to force that belief onto others.
Yeah, but if they are a conservative, they generally adhere to the Southern version of "liberty" - meaning, having the "liberty" to rule over others.
Maybe like the other poster said it should be harder to get married then less people wouldn't have to get divorced.
Then should it also be incredibly hard to get into?
People can already divorce if they are being abused or cheated on. By making it a legal requirement that must be proven you make it more difficult for these people to leave those marriages and put the burden of proof onto them. You aren't going to reduce domestic abuse with a policy like that.
I smell a troll
Divorce isn't shameful. You have no idea why people get divorced. Your immaturity is showing bright and clear in these comments. You sound like I did in middle school.
fuck your polite society
"should not be discussed in polite society."
This comment proves you don't live in reality.
Why do you believe that? I mean, I can understand if you personally don't want to get divorced, but what about other people ? Would you restrict their ability to get divorced because of your personal belief?
Should all people who get divorced and remarried be forced back into their original marriage?
So kidnapping and imprisonment is what marriage is to you?
Marriage is a pact based on love and partnership, what you're suggesting is slavery.
You got some major incel vibes going on bro, time to take yourself to a licensed mental health professional.
Trying to keep someone in a marriage that they do not want to be in is inherently abusive, so trying to prove it in the event that one party did not allow the marriage to be ended would be redundant.
No. You should be able to leave a marriage for whatever reason you want. There should be a small barrier to avoid overloading the courts, but that's it.
Sounds like religious hooey and shouldn't be anywhere near our legal institutions
Sounds like you need the government to keep women from leaving you...
Just what that sounds like, just saying
I don't know why you people keep engaging these morons, it's clear that he is a troll, a conservative, or the standard combination of the 3.
I feel bad for whoever that is. A person that demands devotion rarely deserves it.
How confident are you that she wouldn't have left you in those 20 years if you weren't married? If your confidence is high, then why do you think marriage needs to be hard to dissolve? If it's low, I think my point is pretty clear in that case.
People view relationships as too disposable, therefore the government should lock them into relationships that aren't working, for any reason from drifting apart to not being able to demonstrate the legal standard for physical abuse. Got it, sounds totally reasonable and not at all like you're a fucking lunatic.
The problem is when Daddy is beating Mommy and the court doesn’t believe her because she’s suffering from “hysteria”.
So, then why don’t you just not get divorced and let other people do whatever they want?
What you got against the extended family? If you're trying to be truly Biblical, you should have your parents and grandparents and adult children and your grandkids all living together!
It is sacrosanct. As are other relationships built on love and/or respect. If there’s no longer love or respect there, it’s just cruel and dumb to force the people to stay together just bc they once had different feelings.
Would you like to be held to a contract for the rest of your life that you signed when you were 25?
Oh no, not my nuclear famirinos!
And who decides who you should give your devotion to? Wait, you don't have to answer, your entire message is just completely deranged
Don't need to prove you deserve marriage, that's the one we should forcing. Like let's make the application process as much work as buying a house. With inspectors checking everything is to code with no hidden surprises.
The pre marriage session we had at Church led to the priest sexually assaulting my partner with very inappropriate touching. I understand that's typical of being a member of the Church, how does that keep marriage together exactly?
What drugs are you smoking that cause you to disassociate from reality so much and where can I get some?
Outliers? It's standard practice based on what the choir boys I grew up with told me after I asked them.
Oh hey, what a great idea you guys! Because no abuser in the world ever knew how to lie at the start of a relationship to get their partner trapped before starting to abuse them. That's not like, an absurdly common abuse tactic or anything.
As a person who escaped a relationship where I feared for my life, fuck you very much, you ignorant fuck. You don't get to make rules that will endanger my existence.
IMHO this is the primary reason why the government should not be a gatekeeper for divorce. I'm so sorry to hear what you went through and I hope people pushing for government control of our relationships can develop a shred of empathy.
Fwiw my parents led the marriage prep course at our church for 15+ years. They wrote books and websites and gave talks at conferences about Christian and Catholic marriage. They met Cardinals and advised bishops. They participated in conferences with Protestant and evangelical churches.
They were married for 48 years. And they’re divorced now. My mother in particular, but my father is seeing it a bit now, realized that their model of love and marriage were predicated on co-abusive behaviors.
It took seeing what these teachings and ways of life did to their kids and their grandchildren’s homes before they gained enough perspective to see it for what it was. I hope you can see it sooner.
Fuck off
Found the abuser
What a shitty take
Yeah, that's not the job of the government. While I agree that the divorce rate in the country is surprisingly high and I personally think that's a bad thing, one partner should not be trapped in a relationship they want out of because "they're not allowed out". If either side of a relationship wants to end it, that's their right.
A judge should not have to determine if a reason is "good enough". And despite religious beliefs, from the government's perspective, marriage is a 2 sided contract that can be ended at will.
If your church or personal beliefs say otherwise, that's up to them. Keep it out of my government.
What the actual fuck? "Deserve"?
Setting aside the moral argument, if you look at countries without no-fault divorce, this is just stupidly impractical.
Let me guess, you think the war on drugs has been super effective too?
War on drugs has been super successful in creating stronger drugs so smaller amounts need to be hidden when smuggling.