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Conservatives are taking the news better than I expected



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  • I'm no longer really shocked by the open racism and frankly just stupidity of right wingers

    But openly defending cops who, on video, knelt on a man's neck until he died for the POTENTIAL crime of using counterfeit currency and were convicted in an American courtroom where cops are essentially immune to consequences... it would almost be as hard to defend as a rogue nation bombing children and incinerating them alive... oh...

    I think I just keep blocking them from my mind because it's so stupid and enraging to be aware that these dipshits exist in any amount greater than zero.

    That trump pic is pretty funny though I'll give them that one

    • "but... but... he did drug 🥺"

    • Name someone who murdered a black person (or white person in solidarity) in cold blood they haven't defended?

      They're nazis.

      • I mean they defend them all, of course. The only thing different with Floyd was it was fully recorded and the method of execution was so cruel and clear to anyone with a shred of empathy. It didn't have the normal hang ups for the dumbass pro-cop crew like defending gun usage. It didn't have any sort of "resistance" at all by Floyd that they always twist in justification for murder. His "crime" was something most people would ask "why would cops even dispatch for that...?"

        All of this was true at the time and it was so clearly a murder that I remember most right wingers kinda shutting their mouths for a long time. Like a combined knowledge that this one wasn't defensible. Once the cop was arrested and the trial came along and then conviction you got more and more and more vocal right wingers. I guess it was one thing to say nothing while an obvious murderer got fired. It was too much, for them, to see the murderer facing consequences. Cops and Israel... two entities that can NEVER face scrutiny or consequences.

    • It’s okay honey I promise a lot of us are there with you. Trust me I was raised by mentally ill conservatives, nothing surprises or disappoints me about what is out there. Some humans….dont deserve the name

    • I'll never forget the night where the news broke that they found the cop guilty. My coworker decided to look up the definition of second degree murder and went "how do you even determine that (something about mens rea or pre-meditation)?" I didn't know her well enough to say out loud (and am a coward), but I had this absolutely clarified thought "your peers determine it in a court room"

      I'll always have room for disdain for people who never think the leopard will eat their face.

      • That's literally a child's question

        And unsurprisingly expressed by many grown ass republicans/conservatives/libertarians/right wing generally people

        "Yeah, but you can't prove I intended to kill my wife's boyfriend when I shot at the bed in the place he slept! Maybe I meant to warn him! Maybe the gun without by accident!"

        And not to go too hyperbolic with it, but it's the same logic people use to deny genocides, especially the Holocaust in the past and right now the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine. An often cited thing about the Holocaust is we don't have a direct order from Hitler to Himmler that says "hey, kill all the Jews. Thanks."

        So people do these somersaults and shit to basically say that how can you condemn Hitler and the Nazis generally for doing the Holocaust (assuming they admit to the death count or anything close to it) when you can't prove he ordered anything or even knew about it. As if Himmler and his SS and all the other officials in the third reich were just rogue actors, not representative of the state or the German people... I mean it takes a truly motivated mind to cope that hard.

        If the standard for evidence is outright admission then perhaps no genocides have ever occurred ever (except Israel's because they're incredibly incompetent and literally just admitted to it). Perhaps no murders have ever happened except the ones where a person wrote down or made a video like "hello, I am now going to shoot this guy until he dies. I am murdering him. Thank you."

        It's just child brain shit resulting from some desire to be special, to think you're clever, that if you never admit to anything then no one can credibly accuse you of anything. They know this isn't how life works. But good luck convincing someone who built an entire fictional world where they get to do anything they want in their head that they're just delusional and dumb. We all have our copes in life, but framing your entire view of justice and law around "you have to prove he meant to do it. And you can't, so, haha he can't be guilty!" is definitely an odd one.

        • And not to go too hyperbolic with it, but it's the same logic people use to deny genocides, especially the Holocaust in the past and right now the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine. An often cited thing about the Holocaust is we don't have a direct order from Hitler to Himmler that says "hey, kill all the Jews. Thanks."

          We can't assume that Israel is intentionally killing civilians, but we can absolutely assume that Hamas wants their own people to die to make Israel look bad, to the point that they'd literally blow up their own hospitals. Does their evil know no limits?

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