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Most intelligent 🇦🇺🇺🇦🇹🇼 poster
  • Assange is a hero and even if you disagree, well, first I'd ask how much that sweet CIA gig pays, but second the guy was basically in prison for like 14 years now during which high ranked US officials openly joked about and seriously discussed how best to assassinate him/smuggle him into the US.

    All for publishing absolute irrefutable proof of US warcrimes.

    Is that not enough punishment for these Nazi clowns?

    Btw, someone ask Drew how libel lawsuit is going. Last I heard he's about to be totally bankrupt for defaming the wrong person who has funds to go after him legally. What a loser.

  • Dr Disrespect admits that he sent "inappropriate" messages to a minor, says he won't stop streaming on youtube
  • "Stupid fucking mistakes..."

    All of his gaming buddies seem to be slowly abandoning him.... for now anyway. They're giving guarded responses though like "if he knew it was a minor..." If he didn't know he would've fucking said that! Not that it would excuse his behavior. But he didn't even offer that light excuse.

    His excuse here though, is literally exactly the same, basically verbatim, that you'd hear from a guy on to catch a predator.

    "I just came over to hang out. She seemed cool!"

    "Did you now she was 14?"

    "14? Uh... no I di-"

    "Quote: her: "hey, I'm 14. Hehe, hope that's ok" you: "mmm, yeah, I'll bring extra condoms."

    "Am... can i go? I want to go now..."

    "Of course. You can leave anytime you want."

    man-sized-bush tackles the guy

  • You guys ever find out how psycho the height people are on reddit?
  • There used to be (might still be?) a reddit and a counter subreddit called like "smalldickproblems" (and bigdickproblems). The latter, I'm 99% sure, is a joke one. Unless someone has a giant tripod situation going on, I can't really see that being an issue. And I played enough sports/spent enough time in locker rooms to know that's not the case for the vast majority of men (👀)

    The SDP sub was insane though. TMI or whatever, my dick is probably a little on the small side for my height, which is average. I've never lied about my height knowingly. I've never pretended to have a huge cock or whatever. And I've also never had a sexual partner complain about either. Spoiler for younger people who may genuinely not know: your dick size doesn't matter for the purposes of sex and pleasure from sex to... most people.

    Basically, guys: stop being weird. Or continue because it makes it super easy for non-weirdos to look good in comparison. (But seriously stop being weird guys)

  • The US is cooked. It really is.
  • I love pineapple on pizza and after the revolution ™️ pineapple pizza will be the official dish of the USSA. Required to be patriotically served in grade schools and work cafeterias every Friday

  • The white libs are at it again
  • "In the corner, but at least a foot from any walls. Also preferably on tile or perhaps vinyl flooring not the carpet"

    Me, explaining to my dog how to properly shit or puke in my house. Now expanded for feral liberals

  • hexbear has a tankie problem.
  • I agree.

    It's also infiltrated the mods because I had a DUNK TANK (you know, the place for dunking) comment deleted (comment was, verbatim "anarchists 🤮") for doing literally the babiest of lightest of shitting on anarchists. Who honestly deserve a lot worse, but I just gave the ol puke and moved on.

    Btw, the entire premise of the post I replied to was DUNKING ON SOME ANARKIDDIES BEING OBNOXIOUS ON INSTAGRAM

    So, yes, I would like an apology and perhaps a small cookie from whoever got buttmad and deleted a comment in an entire post and entire chain of comments shitting on anarkiddies complaining about "authoritarianism"

    Best faith interpretation: scrolling too fast and thought the accusation was at the author (OP) and not me dunking on the content, which is what I was doing, again, along with like 8 other posters

    There's a specter haunting hexbear and lemmygrad... and it's fed up with bed times

  • Locked
    The cringe is so visceral it makes me wanna throw up
  • Anarchists 🤮

  • [AI grift cringe] Nvidia releases Project G-Assist, an AI assistant that takes that pesky exploration and problem solving out of your games!
  • I have an account there so old it can legally drink in the US....

    It was a ban evasion account I created ~2003 after the (fascist!) mods banned me for posting how to do an exploit in SOCOM2 to get inside some silos things on the ship level.

    This is the useless knowledge that fills 90% of my brain... a half remembered "wall hack" glitch from 2003.

  • Mike from PA and a bunch of electoralists out here showing they whole ass this evening
  • Issues with this post

    1. calling people electoralists who have openly said "don't vote for Biden"

    2. calling others electoralists while advocating electoralism (protesting a campaign implies there's a candidate worth voting for. It just does. Not gonna dance around word games)

    3. not every "pro-Palestinian" protest, especially basically all the ones in the US, represent any actual Palestinian thoughts. I cannot imagine that right now any Palestinian groups, led by Palestinians in the US, give a shit to protest AOC or any other politicians who have in any sort of way opposed Israel's actions

    4. AIPAC is spending record breaking amounts of money to defeat Bowman. Is Bowman "good" or "perfect"? No. But he calls Israel out for their shit (imperfectly, he's a fucking US genocidal hellscape country congressman). Ignoring the guy who is saying "hey, this is bad!" and focusing all your attention on basically any of about 400 other representatives would be far more prudent- if one was into electoralism, which one claims to not be, yet here we are doing it... circle goes on and on, snake eating its own ass

    5. anyone who just randomly accuses people of working for feds... blacklist forever. "Hello, it's me, the CIA. We can cancel that whole cointel thing... yeah, they just randomly accuse each other now. We don't even need to agitate."

    Those are some quick "facts" as I see them.

    My OPINION part is this appears to be a not-subtle AIPAC effort, or AIPAC boosted, to cause division ( ✅) and unnecessary discourse ( ✅) around the least genocidal congresspersons when anyone could target... I dunno, DWS, Torres, Gottheimer, there's three, but the list is basically all of the democrats (snd obviously Rs) minus like 10 who are saying "yeah, this is bad, actually." Protesting the latter group is objectively a waste of time and representing protests in the US as "the will of Palestinians" is... bad faith barely scratches the surface on what to call that. Not to mention an identity doesn't magically mean people can't be criticized on tactics nor shields them from being plainly wrong sometimes. I will ALWAYS call out anyone who says "X group has a right to do Y!" Because that's just self destructive liberalized IDpol BS. Of course I respect opinions from X group, probably value them more on the surface, but ending it at "they are allowed and you should stfu" is babybrain liberalism, and I'm not sorry for saying it plainly.

    Anyway, Twitter being twitter. "Everyone is a fed except me, person engaging in not-federal posting!" Hard to take seriously in any capacity when the fundamental issue is "we don't believe in electoralism... so we're doing electoralism."

  • Day 11 of postin' Garfield minus Garfield
  • I remember the first time I saw these in like 2005

    Which makes it doubly depressing

  • Elon has another secret child
  • Someone needs to write a story (you MFers do not want to entrust me with this one) similar to the Elden Ring lore.

    I don't know how of it ties up, just spitballing here, but Elon and his pedo brother are like the grotesques and their children will also be grotesques. Grimes is the booba star lady. I forget all the elden ring lore...

    Oh yeah it definitely needs that chicken that we all glitched to level up easily (yes, you did it too, reader)

  • Brilliant retort there Destiny fans! As we all know, nobody has ever done anything illegal!
  • I may have misremembered the quote from Schlesinger to JFK. I don't remember if he was recounting Batista's Cuba to Kennedy or just generally for historical reasons. Also he was an official in the administration, so it isn't fair to say this was the official description necessarily, although his letters are now published on the CIA site, JFK's library site, etc. If you read through them it's pretty clear JFK's aides knew how shit it was under Batista, but it was unfair for me to call it "official" since it's not like JFK had Schlesinger out on TV telling everyone that Batista sucked. I should've said "internal descriptions" within the Kennedy administration.

    But you can google Arthur Schlesinger and see what he said to JFK at the time of the bay of pigs. A lot of it (including from the CIA, etc.) is pure cartoon evil. It is funny how the CIA basically just says "communism looks really appealing! How the fuck do we explain to Americans that this is bad actually?!" in every document

  • Brilliant retort there Destiny fans! As we all know, nobody has ever done anything illegal!
  • I wonder if Density's community considers prison labor to be slavery?

    Or "sweatshops" around the world where people get paid basically nothing to work?

    Is it ok if a feudal lord owns land and forces the peasants to pay a yearly rent in the form of sugarcane otherwise they are evicted and face starvation, homelessness, forced prostitution, etc.?

    I mean none of these meet certain definitions of slavery. They might not meet the definition Americans associate with slavery (chattel slavery). But no reasonable person can argue this is a just and good system. Even the United States' official descriptions of Batista's Cuba are damning. They just didn't give a shit because he cut the US capitalists and politicians in on the exploitation. Castro ended the exploitation and told the US to go fuck themselves.

    I don't understand the argument they want to make. Would they prefer "some Cuban descendants only hated Castro because he took their grandparents' serfs away." Oh, ok.

    This is like the people who try to quibble over the word Nazi vs fascist. Does it really matter that much in colloquial speech or are you desperately trying to reach for something to pretend that Batista wasn't actually that bad, that Castro and the Cuban revolutionaries were bad or worse than Batista? Because it absolutely sounds like the latter point.

  • Examining the ADL’s Antisemitism Audit
  • (Long quote, sorry)

    the more time we spent with the ADL’s antisemitism audit, the clearer it became that the dataset itself is severely structurally limited—and may significantly *undercount *right-wing antisemitic incidents. One fundamental problem is the way that the audit’s data is separated from other categories on the H.E.A.T. Map: White nationalist incidents that don’t explicitly name Jews are tracked as White Supremacist Propaganda or White Supremacist Events but not as Antisemitic Incidents, leaving them out of the audit. There’s a strong case to be made that all such incidents should also be included in the audit, even if they do not include explicit antisemitism. (Our cursory survey of those other datasets did turn up explicitly antisemitic incidents that should have appeared in the audit based on the current methodology, like an instance of Patriot Front passing out flyers with the Nazi slogan “blood and soil” and references to antisemitic websites, as well as a handful of overtly anti-Jewish events hosted by the virulently antisemitic GDL.

    Well, well, well...

    Based on this reporting/analysis which is extremely fair and even still gives a slight pro-ADL bias (imo), the exact thing everyone on the left has been saying was happening... was indeed happening.

    The ADL, Greenblatt as their little Nazi mascot, are incredibly far right wing. In bed with Elon Musk, an out and out white supremacist evidenced daily in his own posts. They support Israel perhaps the furthest right wing country on earth currently. Even further right than the US somehow... etc.

    The ADL is going out of its way to downplay or ignore literal actual Nazis/KKK/etc. which would include basically all the people Elon retweets on any given day. Any reference to "great replacement" or any coded language around it is, imo, but I don't feel this is actually debatable, antisemitism. Any reference by churches saying Israel must exist to bring Jesus back or that Israel is righteous or whatever I'd also lump under antisemitism and also Islamophobia. Because it is just plainly is.

    But the ADL ignores all of these actual, literal antisemitic references/beliefs that lead to actual violence or threats of violence against totally unrelated-to-Israel Jews to instead spend their time focusing on the left broadly. Specifically young anti-Zionist Jewish-led groups, all pro-Palestinian groups broadly, and other explicitly non-hateful groups that seek to end the apartheid, occupation, etc. to varying degrees. Some don't even want to see Israel dismantled; they just want to see Israel held accountable and made to stop being allowed to do very clear and obvious crimes. Nope, that's antisemitism according to Greenblatt. But not the local KKK rally as long as they don't ever actually literally say the word "Jew" in their racist rants.

    A person could not better devise an organization that is more harmful to Jewish people broadly than the ADL (and all pro-Israel groups/lobbies) if you tried. Greenblatt and all the people like him, Jewish or not, are actively complicit in the rise and support of far right, antisemitic, anti-LGBTQ, anti-black, anti-indigenous. Really just anti-humanity beliefs.

    Hope they all have the worst fates

  • Apartheid defense league is big mad at wikipedia
  • Greenblatt should be in prison at The Hague for his racist lies aiding in war crimes including genocide. The TikTok owners should also personally target him/his family and sue them for defamation or whatever applies (similar to the voting machine companies who sued Fox News and Pillow Man) anywhere they can for his slanders against TikTok. Not that I personally care about TikTok, but, they absolutely have a slamdunk case against the liars at the ADL and individually against Nazi-blatt

  • Shadows of the Erdtree First Impressions Post
  • Don't pretend you don't know about the chicken

  • As a liberal, allow me to make an argument for lesser evilism:
  • Alright I'll write in Hamas in November

  • Shadows of the Erdtree First Impressions Post
  • Im kinda "upset" that it took this long for dlc simply because I played the game a ton when it came out, dead all the endings or whatever, farmed the chicken (we all know the chicken) and I tried picking it up the other day again and uh... I dunno. I'd have to start a totally new game at this point, but also, fuck that. I feel like dlc ~6 months after release was about the sweet spot. It's just been way too long, imo. I really enjoyed the game but it's not a game to be played into the ground and then picked back up two years later

    ..... I'll probably still get the dlc....

  • Helpful life tip
  • I'm actually glad my parents never really cared about this stuff although I do personally only rarely wear shoes indoors. Like if I'm doing work and in/out. And outdoor clothes I can only assume means like you were doing hard, sweat-causing labor or otherwise dirty labor. Not like driving to the store and coming home to change into pajamas before you sit on the couch (lol). Like yeah if I go for a jog of course I'm going to get a shower before I sit on my furniture or bed. But otherwise...

    But as a child of Yakub I am accustomed to living in my own filth

  • Fuck Seinfeld: The Encore. (Excerpt from his book read)

    YouTube has definitely taken notes 🤓 on my hatred for Jerry. I've been a longtime hater of him, but then again, who hasn't? Him and his wife's pro-genocide bullshit has just been a tank load of fuel on a simmering resentment.

    Anyway, Uncle Sam at The Majority Report had on a person who read an excerpt from an old 1993 Seinfeld book called... goddamnit. Called "SeinLanguage"

    Alright so moving on from that.

    It has some rather disturbing descriptions of apparently how Jerry's mind works. I don't want to overly spoil it because the shock of hearing what he wrote and chose to publish for the world is... well, it's pretty gross. Also wholly expected from him.

    Also, I can only assume this is what he means by now days people are too "woke." "Oh you can't be a pedo anymore! So woke!" And "Wow, Michael Richards can't even yell the n word on stage at black people! So woke!"

    It's funny how it's never the bad/evil behaviors themselves that are the problem, like funding fascist thugs to beat student protesters. It's saying "Jerry Seinfeld is an unfunny, privileged, stuck up, asshole that funds fascists"... which is the problem.

    Gilbert Gottfried relentlessly mocking Jerry Seinfeld's standup in a voicemail message

    Last week, Will, Felix, and Bryan talked about the atrocity that is the new Jerry Seinfeld brainchild "Unfrosted." A shitty movie about poptarts. I guess. Haven't seen it, and I don't plan on it!

    In the episode at one point Bryan (IIRC) talks about Gottfried going on Howard Stern's show and doing a spot on impression of Jerry for a long time and having it record onto Seinfeld's personal home voicemail tape recorder (this was in the 90s I believe).

    Well, thanks to the creepy YouTube algo, here you go. This was in my mental backlog of "things I want to search for, but will never remember to actually do so." Thanks, Google. (Unironically for once)

    It's a pretty humorous little bit. Gottfried's impression was dead on like Bryan said. Them mocking Jerry about stuff he actually whines about (like people eating at his shows) is gold though. I wish someone would ask Jerry about this and see if he reacts at all. Maybe Bill Burr can throw it in one of his little jabs he takes at people. Jerry would probably be fuming but unable to say anything because then he'd be the "poor sport" or whatever.

    Anyway, fuck Jerry Seinfeld. I hope Gottfried is haunting him somehow.

    The DNC are STILL pushing "Russiagate" type bullshit in 2024. This circus of an article features MTG being 100% correct yet being mocked without any counterpoint even attempted Marjorie Taylor Greene Can’t Stop Pushing Russian Propaganda

    The Georgia Republican continues to insist that Russian President Vladimir Putin isn’t so bad.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene Can’t Stop Pushing Russian Propaganda

    Most relevant portion, imo. Although the whole thing is very short.

    > Vladimir Putin has not said he wants to go march across Europe and take Europe, and the reality is Ukraine is not even a NATO member nation.

    This is 100% true. Putin has not said he wants to march into any other countries. He hasn't even, to my knowledge, said he intends to take Kiev/western UA. Now obviously not everything has to be explicitly stated in order to be true, but if that's the case here, then surely they have evidence to indicate Russia plans to push into Poland, etc.

    > It’s quite a bold claim to make, considering that European countries in addition to Ukraine have made no secret that they fear Russia. For example, Germany, Poland, and France are discussing the revival of a decades-old alliance to strengthen their cooperation because of Russia. Sweden just joined NATO last month, following neighbor Finland’s accession to the alliance last year, over concerns Russia might try to invade them next.

    So Poland and some other nations' leaders have indeed made statements of fear about Russia invading. Is that evidence? No. It's worth considering though, I suppose, if I'm being the most charitable that I can be. Just fold it up, put it in a pocket in the back of your brain. "Poland thinks Putin wants to invade Poland." Ok. Filed away.

    Countries reviving defense pacts and/or joining NATO might also indicate paranoia over Russia. Ok. But where the fuck is there any indication in a speech or actions that Putin intends to do more than he's publicly stated?

    > So, is Greene simply echoing Russian talking points? Several of her Republican colleagues in Congress have warned that Russian propaganda is influencing their constituents and politicians like Greene, following revelations last week of a vast Russian-backed corruption network in Europe. Belgium is even investigatingRussian interference in the European Parliament’s upcoming elections.

    Debunked, for the most part, or at best over exaggerated claims of influence by Russia again. Ok. And in the EU parliament this time?!? My God! MEIN GOTT! SACRE BLEU! Pasta meatballio Deus! (dunno how Italians exclaim like that)

    But even if there is Russian interference and propaganda, the implication here is what MTG said wasn't factually correct. The author never addresses the claim (that's the end of the article). They never provide proof or reason to believe Russia intends to go beyond Kiev. When you're talking about billions of US dollars, billions in US weapons and training, the standard of proof is absolutely fucking higher than "ohhh jaaaa Poland and Deutschland are ze scared of Pooteeen. Seend meesiles America! Danke!"

    Even doing Devil's advocate shit I would've listed Russia going into Georgia, Crimea and now Ukraine to establish a pattern. Of course all of those countries (and whatever Crimea is... city state thing?) have some fundamental differences with Poland, Germany, etc. Maybe that's why the author decided against that point because it would get bogged down in massive jumps of "logic" to explain the argument? Easier to point to bullshit, repeat the line "Russia bad!", and expect us apes to get in line for our shit sandwiches.

    I absolutely abhor MTG. She's a shit human, seems dumb as a rock, etc. But when someone is saying something plainly true, and some dishrag DNC article wants to complain about it without even properly arguing against her, just quote dumping a bunch of shit that adds up to "ok, and?", that's not journalism. It's ironically... just propaganda. American imperialist propaganda in this case.

    A random glimpse into the brain of normie-coded ‘mericans: Feb, 2024 Edition.

    (Before you read this just know it’s mostly a mundane recounting from my memory of a conversation with my mom. There isn’t some dramatic event or a real “point.” Reading it is almost assuredly a waste of your time.)

    I got invited to (free) lunch with my family for my brother’s birthday. The price of admission is seeing my boomer-ass parents. I’ve just made it a point now, in my middle age, to annoy the shit out of them by pressing their buttons on politics. My dad basically totally disengages, and my mom will sit quietly until I’m done and then bring something else up. Classic move. Never works. I always go back. They’re my parents after all. If I have the right to press anyone in the world on their shitty politics, it’s them.

    So, just to mess with my personal NSA agent, I may or may not change some dates and stuff. The overall information will remain intact.

    My parents were both in the US military. I knew since I was a kid that my mom had spent some time in Israel before I was born. At least that was how I remembered it vaguely. “Mom was in Israel.” I always meant to ask her about her time there out of curiosity. Look, she’s in her 60s, a veteran, from the US south. We all know without asking that she supports Israel’s existence and probably everything they do. So I knew that if I wanted to get anything more than yelling at my mom for shit she did 40+ years ago I had to kinda “just ask questions.” Don’t purposely offer my opinions, just ask pointed questions and let her talk.

    She told me she was stationed on the Sinai peninsula in Egypt in the mid-1980s. I always just thought she was “in Israel” so I asked her first:

    “Egypt? Why? What did you do there?”

    “I don’t know. Just drove a truck. A mail truck.”

    “So you were in Egypt? Why was the US there? Were you working with the Israelis?”

    “No, no. There were a bunch of soldiers from different countries there. The soldiers in the south were there for protection. I was support. (She was a truck driver basically from my understanding)” [I actually don’t know shit about this, so I need to look into it more at some point]

    “Was this a remnant of the 1967 war?” [Just my in-the-moment thought]

    She nodded “Yeah! Yeah that was why. Carter signed some agreement. All these countries agreed to defend the peninsula.”

    “Oh, ok. So did you ever visit Israel then?”

    “Oh yeah. I went all the time. It was beautiful there. I went and saw all the places from the Bible. I went to Bethlehem where Jesus was supposedly born…”

    [I kinda cut in] “Nazareth? He’s called Jesus of Nazareth all the time.”

    “Yeah, yeah. I went there too. I went to the wailing wall. You know what that is?”

    “Yeah. I think that’s more important to Jews though. Do Christians really care about that?” [She didn’t really answer, so I started doing a little joke/bit] “I’m pretty sure Trump went there and did the prayers. I remember seeing him. “Look at the wall folks! The best walls.””

    “Yeah, it was beautiful there. I’ve wanted to go back, but I couldn’t because of you.” [referring to my birth not long after]

    “Did you go to the ancient city of Jerusalem?”

    “Of course!” [This is the part that got actually a bit more interesting. Remember my mom is in her 60s.] “You know, they have all these border stations. They check your ID and they ask where you’re going. They all speak English there, you know. And they’re nice and they say “ok, go go” but you can’t just cross back and forth in certain areas.”

    “Oh yeah. You know, some people in this country [me referring to the US] would get angry and debate you over what you just said. They say there are no checkpoints, that anyone can cross freely anywhere. Of course you can if you have a US passport or from Europe somewhere. Not the Palestinians though.”

    She just kinda nodded. She didn’t disagree. I think she was in her mind and remembering back 40 years.

    “Did you see the River Jordan?”

    [she thinks for a moment] “No… no, I don’t think I ever went there.”

    [Then she offered this other interesting, to me anyway, nugget from her memories] “I remember flying in one time late at night.”

    “What airport?”

    “uh… I don’t know.”

    “The one in Gaza? It used to be there anyway”

    [She didn’t respond to that, still thinking]

    “it was an Israeli one?”

    “Yeah. And there was supposed to be a driver to pick me up and take me. But no one was there, and it was so late at night. I remember I could see planes flying over to, it had to be, you know the Gaza Strip. You know? Where all the fighting is right now? And I could just hear the bombs far off.”

    “Yeah. The Israelis are always bombing them. They won’t let them have… well, anything.”

    After that she noticed my niece, her granddaughter, doing something cute and spent a long time taking pictures and showing me old pictures on her phone. But, as always, her son dragged her back to reality. I don’t remember what led up to this next conversation exactly, but, here it is.

    “Trump is a dumbass. I will never vote for Biden either. He’s senile, you know. Did you see that funny report the other day?”

    “Oh yeah. They’re both idiots and both losing their minds. Biden has no clue where he is half the time.”

    “Yeah. I’m not voting for Trump. And I sure as hell ain’t voting for Biden either! That dumbass. I think I’ll vote for that Robert Kennedy if he’s still in by then.”

    [Pretty sure I physically cringed at that statement]

    “No! Don’t vote that for dumb- actually, you know what, who cares? Vote for whoever. They all suck.”

    “I always liked the Kennedys anyway.”

    “Well, they kinda all sucked, Mom. And RFK Jr. is somehow worse than his dad and uncle…”

    “I don’t care. I’ll vote for him.”

    “Ok. Whatever. I guess his dad [RFK, Sr.] got… a bit radicalized after his brother got killed by, well, I can’t say for certain, but like 99% sure the CIA had him killed.”

    “Oh yeah. For sure. That was all a conspiracy. I think his bodyguard shot him.”

    “Hmm. I dunno about all that, I think it may have been Oswald, why not, but the conspiracy is WHY was he killed not so much who actually shot him. I think the CIA definitely wanted him dead and had something to do with the whole thing. I mean why would this one single ex-marine, ex-defector want to kill the president? Why would he care that much? Maybe he was just deranged, but it doesn’t all add up.”

    “He was just a patsy. Just like he said.”

    “Yeah, for sure. Whatever happened it was what the CIA or FBI wanted. You know, the crazy thing is he was an American who defected to the USSR and then came back! No one does that! He had to have CIA ties to do that part alone. They would never allow anyone else to leave and come back like that after renouncing their citizenship. That one single piece of evidence alone proves to me that something was going on that they’ve never admitted to.”

    “Yeah. They’d send him to prison probably.”

    “Yeah, probably.”

    [Somehow changed to this]

    “You know who I feel bad for? Those people, not the Russians…you know…”

    “The Ukrainians?”

    “Yeah! I don’t like that Putin guy. He’s a jerk.”

    “Yeah. Well, he’s there because of US meddling and destroying the USSR. So, we get what we deserve. We have to work with Putin now.”

    [she didn’t acknowledge any of that]

    “You know who I liked? Gorbachev.”

    [I had to hold back a guffaw for real] “Gorbachev? Why? He’s the reason, well not like JUST him, but he’s one of the main reasons the USSR fell apart and why all this shit is going on in Russia and Ukraine. He’s why Putin is there. You said you don’t like Putin.”

    [again, zero acknowledgement. I realized I was speaking in “Russian pro-Putin propaganda”, so I cut myself off to keep the talk going]

    I don’t really remember the rest of it, and I’m tired of typing (holy fuck). I just saw my sister in law sort of staring or glaring, couldn’t tell which, at me. Probably thinking how I won’t be allowed around my niece when she’s older because I can’t stop talking about the most contentious shit possible at a birthday lunch thing. I am truly the crazy uncle.

    I don’t know what my point was here. Maybe I’ll press my mom (and dad- a harder nut to crack) on more details about Egypt/Israel in the future. Mostly for my own knowledge. They’re old as hell and they’re gonna vote for conservatives either way. Although my parents are kind of oddballs, or maybe this is a normal position I don’t know, in that they both fucking hate Trump AND Biden. They would love to vote for, I assume, like a Reagan type guy. Now to me all of these people are effectively the same. Trump is just clown-makeup Reagan, but it’s weird that their libbed-up tendencies make him unappealing to them. Does this mean anything for the election? I dunno. I do live in a key swing state, so their votes do “matter.” Does it really matter if Biden/Trump wins though? I don’t personally think so. Not for my goals anyway.

    Norman Finkelstein response to crocodile tear crying liberals

    This was during a Q&A after he spoke about Palestine years ago. You still see many liberals and so-called "leftists" (who are really just libs) crying like this girl. People act like fascists then cry when people call them what they are.

    Justice Justice
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