Saw a nazi today
Saw a nazi today
Saw a nazi today
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So I grew up in Canada, on the west coast, basically Vancouver. So I'm well aware of the dog-whistles. I now live in Scotland. There was an event where I work recently, and the event contractors were 88 Events. And immediately I was like: FUCKIN NAZIS!
My wife seems to think that they're too...idk...girly? to be nazis, but where the fuck did 88 come from, they started up in 97, so couldn't be that. I feel like I'm being fuckin paranoid, but the fascy bastards are coming out the woodworks lately...shrugs
Looks like they just had an unfortunate address where they started out:
Many moons ago (1996 to be precise), Sheila Samuels decided to start an events company, working out of the bathroom in her home at no.88 Ayr Road
Well shit. I missed the history link in their about us page. Seems like that really is very unfortunate. Maybe I should email them and mention that 88 is a dog-whistle?
I doubt they'd change their name, but I suppose it couldn't hurt to mention it to them..
Well, maybe I'll shoot them over an email.
It couldn't hurt tbh. Maybe provide some sources of other major Hitler 88 sympathizers. Worst case scenario they don't care and best case they change their name, maybe they'll publicly support lgbt with flags or what have you in order to show they're not dog whistling.
The number has been in use in Europe for decades. If they didn't know it then, they sure do by now already.
Fair dues man
There are two people I know who have racist relatives on FB. Their profile names are
'sambo' jones
apparently you can be racist as fuck with your username on that cess pool.
what is it with white supremacists man... brain worms
That's not a bug, it's a feature. Meta knows that things like white nationalism drives engagement, so they don't do anything about it.
Facebook (Fuck them, I'm not calling it Meta, its stupid) does do something, though.
It actively encourages it, because right wing extremists are a big chunk of their revenue. Since right wing extremists are more engaged (obsessed) than anyone else, and click more ads than anyone else.
Right wing extremists are the honey pot.
Which is why regular people can get banned for the most ridiculous of shit, yet right wing racists doesnt get banned even when posting terrorist threats, death threats, or racial slurs.
and honestly, its not just facebook. Its all social media.
I live in Vancouver but didn't grow up here. I know of the 88->HH dog whistle, and um 14 words or something like that but are there any others I ought to keep my kids away from?
The 14 words, usually seen with a swastika and in the form of 14/88.
There's others, but they're usually a co-opt of something common or popular.
A few Behind the Bastards episodes on the neo-nazi perpetuation machine:
Behind the Bastards - How YouTube Became a Perpetual Nazi Machine
And then a multi-part series on the way kids are indoctrinated into these things:
Behind the Bastards - Part One: The Eternal Fascist 🅴
Behind the Bastards Part Two: An American Fascist Faith 🅴
Behind the Bastards - Part Three: The Apostle of Fascism 🅴
Behind the Bastards - Part Four: How To Build An Army 🅴
Behind the Bastards - Part Five: The Hidden Civil War 🅴
Behind the Bastards - Part Six: The Perfect Soldier 🅴
Behind the Bastards - Part Seven: The Digital Reich 🅴
But don't take this as something to freak out about. Keep an open dialogue with your kids, the best way to make sure they don't turn into a racist, fascist or to be as big a part of their life as you can without trying to control them. Talk to them about especially the history of racism in Canada, the concerted effort to wipe out First Nations identity and people, and bring them to as many different cultural events as you can. These movements thrive on the Us and Them mentality, if you can teach them that we're all just people, that our similarities outweigh our differences, and that we're culturally healthier with many different people... Well, that'll go a long way.
Edit: formatting is hard early in the morning....
I don't know if it's used in your Region but in Germany 444 is used by neonazis to represent "Deutschland den Deutschen" -> "Germany to the Germans". Maybe there are alliterations like that in your region?
Also, there are certain clothing labels popular in these circles. Lonsdale for example can be worn to only show the "nsda" part as a reference to the NSDAP. There are other examples too.
88 stands for HH, which means Heil Hitler.
H is the 8th letter of the alphabet.
88 = HH HH = Heil Hitler
Uhhh, yeah, I did (in the first few sentences of my comment) mention that I'm well aware of the dog-whistles.