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Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • But things like church structure, importance of tradition and beauty, exact liturgy formats aren't fundamental to the faith. The fundamentals stayed the same. The only real evolution was Roman Catholicism which adopted additional dogmas over time, but that's it really.

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • Thing is, it goes against man's desires. The other religions that took off generally allow men to take more than one wife, fight wars, etc. Christianity basically asks of one to be poor and selfless and pure

  • Soon on Meta
  • Although there are better ways to do that than Facebook, like a community notice board with rss and/or federation. But everyone just uses Facebook because it's what they're used to

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • You're forgetting that denominations aren't actually that different. They all ascribe to the fundamental beliefs in the death and resurrection of Jesus. We do have the Acts of The Apostles as well which documents the early church. The New Testament was written within 100 years of Jesus and all Christians still follow it

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • .... Really? You know it wasn't originally written in English, right?

    That's like saying we cannot be certain about what happens in Harry Potter because it has been translated into 88 different languages 🤦

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • Luke and Matthew were referring to acquiring or buying a staff, Mark was referring to simply going as you are. The emphasis was that Jesus didn't want them to excessively prepare for the journey, but simply go out with the sandals they were wearing and a walking stick they had on them.

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • Skimmed through some of these, like this which isn't even a contradiction.

    Even here you can see that it even shows a verse where Jesus drinks the vinegar in two gospels yet claim it's s contradiction because He didn't receive the wine.

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • If you compare that with records we have for the likes of Alexander the Great though being 400 years later, it's not that implausible. And you'd be discounting the Christian Gospels and Paul's Epistles which were mere decades after Jesus

  • Recommendation Algorithms & Advertising - Where do you draw the line?

    I think recommendation algorithms and advertising are separate things, however think with defaults and when it comes to what specific data is collected, where do you draw the line? Absolutely no recommendations at all based on an algorithm? Would you say using your 'like' history to recommend you more videos is okay? What about watch history, or save history?

    Same question can also be asked about where you draw the line on advertising. Just say Youtube showed ads purely based on your video like history, would that be creepy?

    I think we can all draw the line at location history, how long you linger on a post, etc. I'd like to know your thoughts on where you'd draw the line for both advertising and content recommendations. (This is two questions)

    Sorry that this post is horribly formatted. I'm tired, acoustic and had a shower thought 😝

    I think people in prison should be allowed to vote

    In a democracy, I don't see how their vote really matters less. Plus it'll help improve prisons perhaps.

    The UK should carry out a genocide on and towards their grey squirrels

    They are an invasive species and replaced the prettier, native red ones. I think a bounty might cause people to set up indiscriminate traps so wouldn't go there, but I think we should figure out a way to genocide grey squirrels

    What to be aware of before opening port 25 on a postfix Raspberry Pi?

    I have a raspberry pi running postfix. I Realised unless I open port 25 I absolutely cannot receive emails (I have 587 open and can send but not receive them). However I heard there are scaries online which someone could potentially send emails from your server without consent. I believe as well my ISP doesn't block port 25. Is there anything I should do right now before opening port 25, or should everything be safe enough?

    BBC News - Sydney: Bishop stabbed during sermon - reports Sydney: Bishop stabbed during sermon - reports

    Police say they responded to reports of multiple people being stabbed in western Sydney.

    Sydney: Bishop stabbed during sermon - reports

    Seems to be Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel who has clips of his sermons go viral online

    Matthew explains autism to Philip [The Chosen]

    The Chosen is a video series based on the Biblical New Testament. It does like to take a good bit of creative liberty, to make it a good series, such as fleshing out minor characters in the Bible, inventing backstories and personalities for them, many are fully fleshed characters based on some brief description from the Bible.

    One of my favourite things they've done was by representing St Matthew The Evangelist - one of Jesus's disciples and author of the Gospel of Matthew - as being autistic. I find him quite a lovable character who I can empathise with at times in the series and I'm really glad for this inclusion 🤣

    Why games on YouTube now???

    As well as being covered in community posts, ads, and shorts. I think if I looked at Youtube for the first time and it was like this, I'd delete it.

    Dubs are better than subs

    I'm not hearing the japanese voices while reading the subtitles, I'm hearing my own voice. Also too busy reading to understand it. Cannot look away either. Voice acting in most dubs is alright.

    I think live actions are different, as squid game's dub was rubbish

    The Irish Tricolour shouldn't be used for St Patrick's Day.

    The Irish Tricolour flag represents the country of the Republic of Ireland, 26 counties of the island, which in fact doesn't include the 6 counties that St Patrick mainly operated in. In fact, it can be quite offensive to many people living in the place St Patrick mainly operated in, due to a civil conflict.

    St Patrick also has his own flag - a red saltire on a white background - which deliberately represents him.

    Making St Patrick's day a festival of Irish Nationalism specific to the Republic of Ireland makes zero sense, and using a flag which only represents part of the island, especially since many Americans are also descended from Ulster Scots in Northern Ireland.

    Princess of Wales apologises for any confusion over Mother's Day family photo saying she "occasionally experiments with editing" Kate apologises for Mother's Day photo 'confusion'

    The Princess of Wales apologises for any confusion over Mother's Day family photo, saying she "occasionally experiments with editing".

    Kate apologises for Mother's Day photo 'confusion'

    "Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing. I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. I hope everyone celebrating had a very happy Mother’s Day. C"

    "sorry lads, I am just rubbish at Photoshop"


    Breeze initially shown in 2012?

    I was looking through the Minecraft wiki and found an old texture for sandstone added in JE 1.2


    I thought it looked similar to the Breeze mob which is coming in 1.21


    It's likely just a coincidence. But very cool. The texture never made it into the final game unfortunately.

    AI call agents on phones.

    Seriously, I'd rather either sit on hold and press buttons instead of trying to explain to an AI several times that I want it to connect me to a real person. I also have a "non standard" accent as well, so the thing probably cannot even understand me.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

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