Plain and simple... She was a woman, and a black person - There will be months of tap dancing and "deep" analysis, but we're just an ugly, atrophied, broken, racist and patriarchal nation, like deep down in our DNA. We were able to elect Obama, yes - he is half white, and a man (those weren't the loud messages as they attacked him, but Pennsylvania gramma knew those things quietly when she pulled the lever for him). It's not satisfying, but it's just the plain truth here. We're closer to getting over race than we are over sex.
Plenty of deliberate work has been done, mostly by republicans, to keep America stupid, poor and in untreated pain, yes... But we're also just trash on the whole. We raise trash and we vote for trash. We just aren't smarter than social algorithms, TV soap opera narratives, costumes and makeup. "The pretend business man is white, old, wears a tie and has a gold watch. He feels like how daddy felt when I was little, and when things are bad, daddy fixed them the way I remember it."
Video game trolls, people who failed the cop application physical and triple DUI wine moms are America. No further explanation or analysis needed.
Wisconsin, US here. My county went 70% for Trump this time. That's versus ~48% in 2016. The problem isn't democracy. The problem is the people. Pissed as hell for all the wrong reasons at all the wrong people. Unable to see reality, expecting that the person in charge could make it a utopia with the flick of a switch. The average American is delusional and irreparably stupid.
We constantly joke that it's Idiocracy, but the truth is...
I can't tell you how much faith I've lost in the average person in America, especially compared to how... ok, I guess, the last election went and how tight, or possibly over this one is.
I can't fathom how fucking stupid anyone would have to be to elect this orange piece of shit that has been upping the dangerous rhetoric constantly. America is broken and it isn't worth fixing, especially not for the morons that somehow get him elected again. I just hope that I can get to a point in my career that I can move elsewhere, maybe Ireland or New Zealand or something, fuck.
When you figure out that the United States was established by wealthy white males who owned slaves, had a revolution due to "no taxation without representation" but then purposefully ignored to repent the 99% until major reforms over the years, it makes sense.
The first set presidential elections were only voted by a handful of Americans. Not the women. Not the slaves. Not the natives who were here first. The landowning white men.
When we claimed England is a tyranny but abolished slavery and gave universal aufferage before we did, I think we lost that argument. America was built by out of touch white men, and it has always been ran by out of touch white men.
Also say goodbye to internet freedom of speech, if even a small portion of Project 2025 comes into play. Anti-pornography activism sounds nice on paper, until you realize everyone has a different definition of pornography, and the people that want to ban porn the most have a rather interesting take on what constitutes as porn and what doesn't...
US is system is so bad. The constant pandering to "founding fathers" as if it's even possible to have strong enough vision that it would last 200+ years and refusal to innovate past the ridiculous two party system is just sad tbh.
Yet nothing will change because you can't change these things without a revolution apparently.
Kind of feels like our "crossing the Rubicon" moment. Except instead of an intellgent and accomplished general leading an army, we got a clown leading a circus.
It’s a democracy controlled by people who don’t care about regular working people. It was designed by rich white dudes and slaveowners 250 years ago to protect and increase their wealth.
Your institutions have failed you. Americans need to demand better and throw off the chains that the wealthy have put on them.
What??? We literally saw democracy play out. You can't even use the excuse that he lost the popular vote, he won every type of democratic way we have.
You know what wasn't democracy? Installing candidates into primaries over democratically popular candidates. Hillary in 2016, Biden in 2020 and Kamala in 2024. In every single one of these primaries, they did everything they could to shut down anyone popular who showed any sign of having a backbone, even though they killed democracy as it happened.
What we saw was a backlash to a stifling of democracy. Democracy won last night.
On the bright side, at least we'll finally be rid of the motherfucker on Inauguration Day 2029, assuming he doesn't keel over from oldasfuckitis before then.
I hope our future dictators are handsome or beautiful and that they come with nice body parts, so when we have to suck their dicks, we can at least enjoy it.
If we had a more representative electoral system, more of the non voters would be engaged by the political process. More voters always has lead to more democratic votes.
Why is the democratic party saying no to these easy extra votes when they fail to replace First Past the Post voting in states they control between elections?