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Star Trek Is Showing More Love To Scott Bakula’s Enterprise
  • I too would wish you have saved a copy of that, now I'm curious as hell SMH.

    I found this but i'm guessing it's probably not that one.

    here they're swapping themes from the archer one and sounds greeeaaat

  • Star Trek Is Showing More Love To Scott Bakula’s Enterprise
  • yeah that too, archer and the Trip aren't that nice characters, but t'pol (- the sex), Hiroshi Sato and specially doctor phlox are great characters.

  • This sign spotted in a South American bank lobby
  • Is saying that your boss is not your owner, and denouncing that the bank is violating workers rights.

  • This sign spotted in a South American bank lobby
  • Bank workers Union.

    Bandara Union


    The Google translation is gibberish on that part.

  • Star Trek Is Showing More Love To Scott Bakula’s Enterprise
  • Man I love that series, at least the first, Second and third seasons.

    I love the idea of the show, the first enterprise as we know it, with none of the fancy tech and comfort of the other shows, the pioneering scent it has.

    But they had to screw it up, the execs put their dirty hands on the show and ruined a lot of it, the first season would be on earth? Nooooo, not generic enough, There will be no transporters? Noooooo, too different, also: sexualize T'pol to the Delta quadrant and back.

    And man I hate so much the time wars thing, I suspect the execs also forced it into the show, because I guess? Idk, they killed what could have been a great show.

    I would even be glad for some sort of reboot of Enterprise, following a lot more of the original ideas of the show and characters, taking away all the dumb and continuing all the storyline with the Human-Romulan conflict.

  • Star Trek Is Showing More Love To Scott Bakula’s Enterprise
  • The song is heavily meh, but the visuals may as well be the best of any intro.

    If they composed something more trek-y, it would be the best intro of them all!

  • Star Trek Is Showing More Love To Scott Bakula’s Enterprise
  • 1000%, and cut things like transporters and replicators like the writers had originally envisioned.

    Make it more astronaut-y.

  • Removed
    That's 3 for 3
  • You fail to realize how you take for granted having a working, capable government, in places were your wishes come true, the UN usually send peacekeeping and humanitarian missions.

  • Close enough for government work
  • Do you guys have múltiple choice questions? And math with numbers?

  • People who refuse to learn how to drive a car, why?
  • I don't need to, I have to much to learn with Uni already, and anyways taking public transit is more convenient in Santiago.

  • Human missions to Mars in doubt after astronaut kidney shrinkage revealed
  • The same argument existed since the beginning of space exploration, if we, as a species would have heard those arguments, we wouldn't have satellite today, and all the other advances space exploration brought.

  • This will be YouTube in 2025
  • For then legislation will have catch up.

  • Every day.
  • I think this vision usually comes to be when people aren't aware of how much worse other people have it, or how much worse was in the past.

    Sure nowdays there are a lot of terrible things happening, but we have the best tools ever to fix them.

    The world needs a bit more of optimism, the only way we can start fixing our problems is acting like we can.

  • Removed
    The men vs. bear saga reaches the inevitable conclusion
  • Why you had to bring this up again??? Whyyyy you had to make me remember that was a thing? 😭😭

  • The latest Ads
  • I don't buy Apple products, fuck them.

    I would buy xiaomi or something, and medical data is heavily protected by law and hardly of use to advertisers and propaggandists.

  • The latest Ads
  • I would get a smart watch tbh, I like the idea.

  • Unusual problems need unusual solutions
  • Send the electrical company to build a parallel power line, then encapsulate the troubled cable in quantum confinement and destroy of with anti matter.

  • Christian Life International
  • i thought it was a text emoji.

  • Christian Life International
  • :q! is part of the shortcut?

  • Are you a 'tankie'
  • No

    Oppression is oppression independent of the ideological basis, people who support oppressive governments based on a loose ideological basis deserve the worse.

  • With what fictional character you identify with?

    For me is baymax, the disney character.

    Since I saw the movie for the first time I felt identified with said robot, I'm an engineering student, and also very chubby, i like to hug and to care for others too, not very agile or fast too.


    For the first time in my life, I made a friend.

    Is really a new experience for me, I do really hope it lasts a good time.

    I'm also really relieved seeing that I do, In fact have the ability to make friendships, and that I won't be forever alone.

    I'm not sure if he is neurodivergent or not, he says he isn't but at the same time... yeah.

    There is hope people, it can happen!


    cross-posted from:

    How is academia for autistic people?

    I have a long way to go before even start to think in that kind of stuff, but seeing the laboral market in chile not having such interesting job (there are few jobs for engineers to do actual engineering stuff imo) I find an appealing possibility to get into academia instead.

    So it seems interesting to ask if anyone here has experience in academia and if is in general a good idea.

    Are neurodivergent people more attracted to alternative spaces like this one?

    I'm not sure if is just me but it trully does seem that the prevalence of neurodiversity in places like this is way higher than in the average population.

    What's the difference between "College" and "University"?

    Until recently I assume they were synonymous 😅, Here you go to Uni immediatly after finishing HS.

    A_Chilean_Cyborg A_Chilean_Cyborg

    Musho autismo

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