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I just realized that not being Covid conscious is a lib thing. I need this elaborated on to me.

The US gov's misinformation that we can act like covid's over is mainly so we're good servants for capital, and that's lib shit. That's mostly what I got.


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  • I agree that Covid is still going on and is a fatal danger to people and I wish we could still have precautions and remote work or lockdown as a society as a whole.

    But, I'm genuinely curious, are all of you still wearing masks and not visiting others indoors? Honestly not judging nor shaming if that's what's going on but just wondering.

    I really do wish everyone vaccinated and were more careful and remote, and I was extremely careful for a couple of years there to the annoyance of my friends and family but, given how things are now, I kinda gave up on wearing a mask except for some circumstances and I go visit family and friends indoors or will go to concerts or bars like "normal", which is what I think people mean. Reasonable people still acknowledge Covid is out there and a problem but recognize the reaction to it is non-existent, as if everything is "normal".

    Does that make me a lib? I mean, I know I'm a lib but does it make me more of a lib? Am I supposed to keep wearing a mask at all times and not visit people to not be lib or is it sufficient to know and say Covid is still a fuck and capitalists have forced us back onto the gears of capitalism and drain us over the blood altar?

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