I drowned some ants when I was a little kid in our backyard because I was scared of them and also curious. My neighbor told me to think about what I did. I was mortified. I'm a vegan now.
Kids need to learn that kind of empathy. Although I don't think I would have ever thought about about ripping limbs from frogs.
When I was six, I was fishing with my father and uncle in a boat. We got a fish, and my uncle swiftly killed the fish immediately. I asked why he did it, it would've died anyway.
He said something along the lines of "All life should be respected enough not to let it suffer" and nothing else. A useful lesson that changed my view on suffering of animals. The man was later listed as one of the 10 most sought after criminals in my country, but I take the good and leave the bad.
Nah, white collar crime. I think he ended up on the list mostly because it's relatively unusual for people to both be convicted and manage to avoid getting caught.
I was horrible to animals as a kid. I teased the neighbourhood cats so much. I once put salt on a snail just for fun, without knowing it would die a gruesome death with just one grain of coarse salt. I'm vegan today...
I wasn't very nice to plants as a kid. I would often pluck wood sorrel off the ground and eat it right there. I once burned a hole in a leaf using my glasses. I'm a meat eater today.
I used to burn ants with magnifying glass with my friend. We also melted the limbs of those tiny green plastic soldiers and made 10-limbed monstrosities. Good times.
They also crawled all over and bit me when I was a child, so I had very little qualms with shoving a stick in their pile and pouring glue down it when I was like... 10