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  • There’s no returning from this lol

    People are just too far gone and brainwashed by all existing capitalist structures. I’ve never seen a brazen marketing attempt fool the masses like this. Incredible to see in a way

    See, this is why back-to-me did what he did. Big tech is playing the role of the tsars, I’m sure there were was a plurality of Russian proles who just went along with everything that was happening without a second thought

    • There's been made mouses with buttons dedicated to twitter and linkedin and the like before, it's nothing new

    • Once again, the left is letting our hate for capitalism blind us to how useful this technology is. Of course there is loads of marketing hype, and they're going to try to suck every last cent out of it, but this transformer-based tech might be one of the greatest breakthroughs humanity has ever made.

      Look at this robot that came out last week, it learns by watching people and costs around $100k from existing components. It's all open source and built on top of this transformer architecture.

      Instead of crying and shidding our pants about a mouse button, we should be trying to anticipate where this is all headed and get ahead of it as much as possible. Or just complain, I get it we're all tired.

      • I can, at most, solder together an led. I am not going to be making any self-teaching industrial robots any time soon. The only way this llm shit is going to effect me is making me miserable.

        • Yeah. This is honest. I'm constantly flipping from excited to horrified by the implications of this honestly. It's like a thought experiment where humans are given alien tech before they're ready to wield it. Or maybe it's like, "what if the nazis were the first to develop nukes?"

          I think we need to kinda go through the stages of grief so we can stare this problem in the face, and right now we're still in the denial for the most part. We hyperfocus on the dumbest elements of it, like Googles failed rollout recently, to assuage our anxiety.

          Like, I don't even know what this does to ideas like the labor theory of value if we get replaced by machines. I'm too focused on survival to deal with the philosophy of it.

          I just hope China can wield it responsibly before the US. They're on track to be able to for several materialist reasons like less financialization and more diverse and newer power grid.

          • labor theory of value

            At some point it turns in to the bad future from terminator as the capitalists build death robots to exterminate an unwanted and dangerous working class.

    • Is it selling? I saw an article mocking it months ago.

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