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  • Nah this is a fucking classic dawg

  • CNN Confirms That Only Joe Biden And Donald Trump Will Be In Debate — Not Robert Kennedy Jr.
  • Ah shit. So people still watch cable news huh

    Thought we were past this

  • There’s no returning from this lol

    People are just too far gone and brainwashed by all existing capitalist structures. I’ve never seen a brazen marketing attempt fool the masses like this. Incredible to see in a way

    See, this is why back-to-me did what he did. Big tech is playing the role of the tsars, I’m sure there were was a plurality of Russian proles who just went along with everything that was happening without a second thought

  • Why does ![a-guy]( "emoji a-guy") have an emoji on this site?

    Honest to god, it was ingrained into my head as a child that he wanted to kill anyone who used a computer. But seeing how ridiculous that sounds today and how it sounds eerily similar to any critique of capitalism, I’m thinking he has parts of a communist ideal.

    It really looks just like someone who could be a radical leftist but decided to become a fascist at the last minute. And it’s also so fucking absurd it helps me understand why there’s a guy that thinks everything big is an op

    I guess I’m basically asking how he is read by the hexbear powers that be

    At this point is really just reddit 2
  • It’s gotta be the self-righteousness

  • Over 500,000 books have been removed from the Internet Archive's lending library due to the publishers' lawsuit 😞
  • How to blow up a pipeline but it’s how to blow up a data center

    Physical media will always triumph and I can’t believe people aren’t seeing it by now. ESPECIALLY with all these attempts to do everything via tHe CLoUd

  • Comrade Trump, welcome to the revolution
  • This post could’ve been a comment

    The hexbear equivalent to this meeting could’ve been an email imo

  • What if the entire internet gets reduced to a footnote?
  • I know some online and offline leftists and there is a very clear difference between the types

  • What if the entire internet gets reduced to a footnote?
  • This seems like a prime comment to illustrate that we’re not in the midst of an organized revolution and life is much different offline

  • So the Neuralink patient's implant is already failing.
  • Nothing to feel bad about

    What a fucking rube

    Seriously, what the hell was this person thinking? Sorry, absolutely no empathy whatsoever from me. I’m more ashamed of them not spending energy discrediting musk at this point

  • US House Resolution 888 - Reaffirming the State of Israel's right to exist
  • lol that’s funny

    Much like how the Statue of Liberty is carrying a torch and was a gift from a colonialist state. Birds of a feather

  • This “it’s difficult now but things will get better as they always do” rhetoric is really starting to piss me the living fuck off

    Any day now wages will increase I guess. Any day now the price of a house will be affordable to a human who makes an average salary. Any day now the job market will rebound and AI will be cleaned up and regulated so that everyone has an opportunity to live

    Are people just in denial that we are living in a dystopia? The only people I know in my life who have “made it” stumbled into the the most extreme circumstances (some out of complete tragedy and others out of luck), and everyone else is a hamster on a wheel

    Anyway, any destinations for expat curious people?

    American pharmaceutical companies are just as evil as the military industrial complex. Change my view.
  • Fun fact: My chronic illness medication originally cost 6000 dollars. They had a co-pay assistance program which ended when a generic version of that same medication.

    Aaaaand the generic medication was 2000 as opposed to 6000.


  • Removed
    'I cant go to concerts because the band might be anti-genocide, why am I so oppressed?'
  • No longer can anyone question how people could have allowed the third reich to exist

  • Does anyone get the feeling that we're going to see a huge censoring of the internet under the guise of "preventing violent extremism"?
  • God he was so right about the Industrial Revolution though. I see it more and more every day

  • Holy feck Facebook got really bad
  • Sounds like a godawful algorithm. lol no wonder they want to ban tik tok so bad

  • Holy feck Facebook got really bad
  • I just recently logged in after like 5 years probably and I’m getting all kinds of unsettling AI shit I didn’t even follow. Did my account get hacked?

  • Need a 12th century equivalent for this

    Just part and parcel of living in the freest country on earth I suppose

    neurodiverse stigsbandit34z [they/them]
    Been thinking a lot lately, and idk if I’m truly autistic or not (probably only be able to tell with an official diagnosis) but I’ve felt super guilty lately for feeling what I’m feeling

    I’ve said for the longest time that it’s like being a prisoner in my own head because I have so much emotional retention. Only now am I beginning to discover that is because of years of being afraid to express how some of that stuff made me feel. Because most “men” or whatever would toughen up and not let it bother them. So I can’t tell if it’s toxic masculinity which traumatized me or autism. Maybe a little of column A and a little of column B

    But as an adult, I am inherently people-pleasing, struggle with decisions, have extremely low self-confidence and act like I don’t even exist, etc

    neurodiverse stigsbandit34z [they/them]
    Hey uhhhh so I might’ve spilled the beans on my autism diagnosis to a friend I am not *that* close with (only have one like that) and am afraid I may have traumatized them

    Lmao it’s so fucking ironic !agony-shivering

    This exact same situation I’m facing is one which is source of everything

    I tried to share what I’ve discovered with a family member, they say I’m overreacting and “not that special.” Then I share something with someone (historically the only other irl person I know) to establish the slightest sense of trust as a last resort , they thank me for sharing it with them and we continue to talk about it a bit more. And then I feel like shit because I may have unintentionally traumatized them and they’re too nice to admit it. Goes back to the lifelong idea of not knowing “how much to share.” So you shut yourself away, ending in the most precarious feedback loop imaginable

    I’m literally Charlie from flowers for algernon. “You mean I get to decide?” I have no idea how Daniel Keyes so brilliantly captured the essence of and gave meaning to all of the thoughts in all of my adolescent notebooks, but fucking bravo to him.

    neurodiverse stigsbandit34z [they/them]
    Would really like to some things I’ve realized about myself as someone with suspected ASD and ADHD

    1.) Upon deep reflection, many of the words defined one way in the dictionary mean something entirely different in real life

    2.) The DSM criteria for autism is fucking shit and should be rewritten

    3.) I’m usually silent in whatever social situation I’m in or stick to very “safe” words because there are sooooooo many ways to express the same thing and my brain can’t decide which details to focus on

    4.) I’m learning it’s OK to have needs even if they’re quirky and jumping from thing to thing to thing is what I do sometimes (even to momentarily distract myself from something scary which I need to work on).

    5.) Emotion words are very hard and something I will probably be working on for the rest of my life

    Maybe this’ll help someone :)

    neurodiverse stigsbandit34z [they/them]
    Is anyone else just really fucking unfunny?

    Godamn it pains me. I’m convinced that all of my irl friendships/relationships always fizzle out because I’m stale beyond words and am just so fucking dry. I have some friends who I’ve only heard laugh a handful of times, and it probably wasn’t even because of me. And if it was, it was surely because I did something awkward/socially taboo

    neurodiverse stigsbandit34z [they/them]
    Is anyone else like super “malleable”

    Haven’t been diagnosed with anything, probs autistic or something considering how much I resonate with this comm BUT I can very easily get myself in and out of “the zone” with enough mental energy. As a result, kinda makes it hard to determine what my actual interests are. Ofc there’s a people pleaser angle to it all, but there’s also the the side where I just like learning new shit, keeping it in my brain for a few seconds and moving on to the next thing 🥴

    There is something in me that really wants to compare people selling shit in what was supposed to be a communal space (with music and art) to the story in the Bible about merchants in the temple

    And Godamn I wish knew more about ideology to make a cogent argument for it. Because while I’m not a Christian, I can’t help but notice how Jesus basically symbolizes most of what I believe as a socialist.

    Really could be my autistic brain stretching some of the minute details, but think about it for a sec. You have two groups of people with a strong belief (sharing art and music with a group of likeminded people and giving praise to something you believe controls your life) and there are these fuckers in both cases selling shit and disturbing the realness of it all

    Idk maybe I’m just a hater, but the two situations seem logically the same to me.

    neurodiverse stigsbandit34z [they/them]
    Autistic peeps who experience anxiety- what does it feel like for you?

    When mine gets really bad, it’ll feel like a slow buildup of tension that is quickly released without my control. Almost like an attack. In the past, it’s actually felt like a shock as well.

    But it sounds like NT people I’ve talked with don’t see it like that 🤔 and frankly neither does the internet at large 🥴

    neurodiverse stigsbandit34z [they/them]
    Not sure if this a general human thing or ND thing buuut

    Have any of y’all ever had the experience where you once went on dates and felt something but now you can’t look at anyone in a romantic way? Is it just emotional unavailability or something similar?

    It almost scares me because I can’t make sense of it and it makes me felt super left out. Godamn I’m so bad with describing feelings

    neurodiverse stigsbandit34z [they/them]
    Are anyone else’s conversations with irl friends essentially just never ending video essay topic conversations? (Incoming word salad blurb)

    Let me first say that I recognize the fact that this sounds super privileged and I am speaking from my own experiences with the all of the tools I have at my disposal in mind.

    I don’t have many real life friends, but when I do hang out with them, it seems like all of our conversations eventually come back to some societal critique (often at the most granular level). Sorta like never ending, conversations popular in academia without really understanding the minutia of said conversations. Comes off “pretentious” to a lot of people unfortunately :/ we all hate hate hate our 9-5s (like everyone I suppose) but I think I’m personally reaching a critical point where I’m starting to value something other than the salary. And the nail in the fucking coffin is that I think that this makes up the majority of my anxiety.

    Lol my good friends and I will usually clear out a room by boring ostensibly neurotypical people with our very silly little conversations, but I feel like academia would be where the people who wouldn’t leave would congregate. And this probably sounds a little hyperbolic because we certainly talk about other shit too (lol we can’t not at times), but this is certainly our sports if we’re comparing popular topics of discussion

    How do people still argue that saying the most bigoted shit imaginable (under popular memes or tik toks or whatever) doesn’t have real world consequences?

    Ngl, I kinda hate when people say “online is not real life.” I mean, technically that’s correct, but liberals said that to argue against Bernie’s popularity in 2016/2020 while conveniently ignoring that the reasons for his non-election stemmed from an electoral system designed to protect against the will of the people.

    But am I incorrect in assuming that since the ubiquitous internet is fairly new, we don’t have enough information to determine whether normalizing bigotry and the most horrific shit imaginable under the guise of free speech, we probably shouldn’t run that risk? Obviously people don’t say this shit irl because they’d get clapped (and they do).

    But what do y’all think? Is this like a super niche field of sociology? It’s fascinating to me, I’m curious if the medium changes that in any noticeable way
