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Secure distro for daily use

Hi, Im searching for a secure distro for normal daily use for my laptop. Currently Im running arch linux with full disk encryption, secure boot, linux hardened, firewalld and most apps as flatpaks (with some disabled permissions using flatseal). I think its pretty secure laptop but it could be more secure.

Tails and Whonix are the most secure but they are not ment for normal daily use...

There is a lot of new immutable distros. Getting (system) malware is harder to get on them. Im most interested in blendOS, because its based. Does anyone know if it has full disk encryption, secure boot, etc. or can it be done by the user? What about other distros like Fedora Silverblue?

Any other recommendations?

Thank you :)

  • How is blendOS based?

    And personally most distros will do since linux is secure over all. I like Linux Mint personally and is good for programming and generic use.

  • Puppy Linux - the OS is spooled into RAM from a single signed compressed image. by default there is no write back to physical data store; this can include user folders etc. each boot can be a clean slate.

    Since the OS itself is in a single compressed & signed package, if someone alters it via a sidecar boot to an alt OS, it and you would know.

    When there are chain of custody issues it is pretty secure when added with the usual bevy of other securing options.

  • OpenBSD.


    Sure, you can harden Linux to the same level of security. But OpenBSD comes with all the goodies installed out of the box.

  • Depends on your use case, but any up-to-date distro is secure. Security issues mainly comes from the user's actions.

  • You want Qubes. And keep a stick of TAILS on you for high-risk situations. But Qubes is your easy daily driver.

  • a secure distro for normal daily use

    Any distro, really. Tails and Tor may have some extra features but aren't mandatory by any means. Just make sure Common Sense Antivirus (tm) is g2g and you should be good.