This goes against the natural order
This goes against the natural order
This goes against the natural order
That is a slick burn
Is that his real hair or a wig tho?
It's a major problem either way.
He looks like in his first movies. Is this really a new one?
No, it's from Find Me Guilty (2006). It's a 7/10 on imdb and 63% rotten tomatoes. He's a mobster who won't testify against associates.
At 40, I'd say
Damn. He looks a bit like Louis Rossmann.
Has Louis Rossman dressed up as Vin Diesel on Halloween? We will never known
The Fast and the Right to Repair
Vinnie Kerosene
Vincent Petroleum
Find Me Guilty came out in 2006 mate.
Man this is cursed. It makes his head look bigger than it already is.
Older too
Isn't this from that old mafia movie of his?
"Find Me Guilty" in 2006, yeah. I recognized it immediately. He was way bald at the time but damn if I couldn't tell that wasn't natural hair. The makeup department did really good work.
Fast and Furriest
this comment shows that while we don't need an downvote button clearly we need some button skewed into some other plane of humor that henceforth i would use "private mode" to read
Some people just look better without hair.
It's like the twist in the 6th sense, Bruce Willis has hair!
Is it just me or does he look a tiny little bit like Nicolas Cage? lol
Mixed with Travolta I think
Ive seen that movie! Its called face off!
I see it! I think Nic Cage has one of those faces where so many people look like him. Lol
Giovanni Ribisi's older brother.
Get ur eyes checked. No one looks like gio. 🤣
It's like Zooey Deschenel without bangs. Unrecognizable.
Don't do that.
Step 1: Regrow hair.
Step 2: Get a suit that fits.
The technology isn't there yet
Vin there Diesel that.
Holly shit he looks like nicholas cage
This was on Boomerbook yesterday.
The pseudo mohawk makes it kind of a reverse mullet - business in the back, party in the front.
Holy crêpe!
Wait, is that Mark Sinclair?