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  • Some teachers just want to watch the world burn.

    • As a teacher, I can confirm this. I always move the cursor out of the way, though. I don't get why other teachers don't do the same and how so many of them are so tech illiterate. Although I'm more amazed at the tech illiteracy of the students who use their phones 24/7.

  • My (estranged) wife and kids seem content to watch streaming services this way, I'm genuinely just like what the fuck is wrong with y'all, I taught y'all better than this lol

    Come to think of it, maybe that's why the marriage didn't work out.

    Definitely not her chronically cheating for a decade. Nope. It was leaving the play bar up!

    • I'm so proud that my wife often notices when the surround sound isn't working properly on her own. Doesn't mean that she can fix it herself, but that's a job I will gladly do.