Big speed improvements and infinite scroll
Big speed improvements and infinite scroll Comparing v1.30.4...v1.31.0-rc.1 · Xyphyn/photon
A replacement for lemmy-ui with more features, a better design, and more customizability. - Comparing v1.30.4...v1.31.0-rc.1 · Xyphyn/photon

This update is currently available on, with a tagged release coming soon. Post navigation is down by 65% and returning from posts is instant.
What's Changed
- feat: add infinite scroll
- You can now scroll down infinitely without clicking next!
- As a bonus, returning from a post page is now instant.
- Of course, you can turn it off in settings.
- A virtual list is also used so that infinite posts can be loaded with no performance impact.
- feat: parse tags from title
- Tesseract dev and I had the same idea, [tags in brackets] in posts will automatically be converted to a badge/flair. You can click it to search for all posts with that tag in a community.
- I added options which let you choose flairs to blur posts of or hide.
- tweak link design
- improve smaller screen support
- codebase: move $profile to a derived, immutable store to improve consistency
- i18n: add new languages/update languages
- Chinese
- English
- Estonian
- French
- Finnish
- German
- Hebrew
- Portuguese
- Update photon region by @DarrenOfficial in
- Remove empty space left by hideTitle by @sevonj in
- docs: Post component comments by @sevonj in
Full Changelog: