I saw a video about ten years ago on crocheting with plarn (plastic bag yarn) and I thought it was such a neat idea. There was just one problem: I didn't know how to crochet. So, I started hoarding all my plastic bags (even more than I already was) thinking, "Oh, I'll learn how to crochet one day!" I finally learned to crochet a few weeks ago and now I'm working my way through my massive bag stash. I left the tail ends on and tried to tie them into decorations so I wouldn't waste any of the plastic.
I haven't managed to count but I'm going through bags really quickly doing this. That bag was probably 2/3 of all the white plastic bags I've collected over the years.
This is amazing! I know you said you saw the initial video 10 years ago, but do you think you could share any resources that helped you put this together? I've got my own stash of plastic bags that could be put to use :)