I say teats.
I say teats.
I say teats.
I mean, if you really want to know nipple amount you could see how many kids wookies normally have at a time.
He's gonna have pecs because he's bipedal tho. Those are arm muscles basically.
If wookies have a litter, then the females would have rows of teats, but they'd only have pecs with the top two. And they'd be basically invisible on a male.
So, we know Chewy has pecs, it's the existence of teats that is unknown
Male breast tissue can be stimulated to produce breast milk. In my fanfiction, Six Voluptuous Chewbacca Tiddies, I will describe in erotic detail---
Are you confirming wookies are, in fact, mammals?
This is huge! Basically confirmation of intergalactic common ancestry 🤯
Dude Wookies don't even live in this galaxy, those humans aren't from here either! It goes waaaay deeper
Twileks and Togrutas both have boobs but i don't think they are mammals.
Convergent evolution
Basically all animals have pecs.
The muscle exists, but doesn't develop in quadrupeds because it doesn't get used.
An incredibly strong biped like a wookie should have massive pecs. Gorillas don't but that's because they're mostly quadapeds. Which I assume is what Lucas copied, but he changed the location without thinking how it would change anatomy.
This hurt my soul.
Let's find out :)
If we accept the Star Wars Christmas Special as canon, we see that Lumpy is an only child. This indicates that litter sizes for Wookies are either small, or that there is an unusually large infant mortality rate for this species.
And if I were to commit the original sin of xenobiology, we could infer that Wookies are primates, possibly great apes, which are not known for large litters.
Finally, raising something as stupid as Lumpy for such a long time means that Wookie offspring require a lot of resources to reach maturity. This is bolstered by the notion that Wookies have a lifespan of 400 standard years, which may indicate a childhood of 20-50 years, further increasing the resources required to raise an offspring to maturity.
However, none of this removes the possibility that Lumpy ate his siblings.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Hang on, do male pigs have rows of teats??
Enough about Chewbacca's pecks. What about his junk?
I think he's like Double Dick Dude.
I mean... Biologically both.
Am I not supposed to sit in the front? I literally always do. But im 6'5 and usually don't fit well in the backseat of cars
At least here in the states it's pretty awkward to sit up front. Doing so sorta imposes familiarity which isn't really there for strangers
... oopsie, noted for next time. Sitting in the back feels arrogant to me somehow, but I also almost never take taxis.