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What’s pvp? An sti?


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  • Meanwhile, I love PvP because people can learn and get better so there is always a challenge even after the single player game becomes boring because you know every single trick, trap, move and attack pattern.

    If the Soulsborne games didn't have PvP, I probably would not have been as big of a fan of them as I currently am. Sekiro is one of my least favorite of them because it has no multiplayer at all and has just 1 build so there's not really a point to playing through it more than once to experience everything it has.

    But I can understand how people who aren't that good at games would prefer the computer as their opponent.

    • Oops, you were doing great until the end hahahaha

      • It's not even meant to be a jab; if the pre-set challenge is enough, why would you seek a greater one?

        • Well cuz playing with others isn't why i play games! I get enough of pitting myself against other humans in my daily life n stuff. When i play games it's me time, and for me pvp is an intrusion on that. I get why people like that intensity and challenge, but adding other peeps whose specific goal is the opposite of mine just doesn't do it for me, doesn't click the "play more" button like it does for some folk.

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