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Direct Solar Power: Off-Grid Without Batteries

  • Um, I’m pretty sure that laptop has at least two batteries….

    • this sounds like a comment you're making based entirely off of the thumbnail; i would strongly encourage you to actually read the article if so

      • Did you read the article? It says he uses it to run his laptop and other electronics (such as charging a phone).

  • I feel like a better solution is a better “battery”: have the solar cells put any excess energy generated into running a water pump that pumps water into a large reservoir. That water can then turn a turbine on its way back down before being used for other purposes. It’s going to have efficiency losses, but that energy would have been fully lost with the direct solar solution.

  • A lot of great ideas in here for sure! Better insulation is a great way to store energy without the need for large battery systems. This kind of thinking can also translate really well to more traditional housing.

    We already do this kind of thing with standard water heaters in the US, and creating better insulated chest freezers and refrigerators should be straightforward. The cooker seems fairly novel, though.

    On a larger scale, Passive Haus construction techniques can go a long way to reducing energy needs for climate control, and would make it easier to turn off climate systems when the sun goes down.