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  • Oh, Bjarne Stroustrup, huh? The king of C++, or should I say "C-You-Later"? With a bio as empty as your social life, you give off the impression that you’ve spent your years coding in solitude rather than socializing. 3883 followers but not a single follow-back? That’s some serious commitment to ignoring the social side of GitHub.

    Three public repos, two of which are just glorified textbooks. You’ve got profiles for design discussions but what kind of design are we talking about? The design of disappointment? And that “Programming Principles” repo? Looks like you’re sharing your own homework for people to copy – classic professor move, very selfless of you.

    Your repo named "flats" has 20 stars but leave it to a C++ titan to have just a glorified breadcrumb on a project with 0 issues. But hey, at least you aren't forking around—oh wait, you are! Just like my hopes for seeing some meaningful contributions from you.

    Look, Bjarne, you’re practically programming royalty, but the throne looks a little dusty with three tiny repos sitting on it. Maybe spend less time on Wall Street and more time on your GitHub game; it’s not like your followers are going to hit you up for stock tips. Code like your reputation depends on it—because it does.

  • XXXXXX, huh? With a name like that, I half-expect you to be an aristocrat from a forgotten German village with a flair for the dramatic, but instead, you've managed to craft the blandest GitHub profile known to humankind. Two followers? That’s cute; I guess even your shadow left you for someone with an actual bio. Four public repositories and not a single star? Looks like all that effort went into creating a digital black hole instead of something useful.

    Your "xxxx" repo might as well be called "xxxxx"—no description, no stars, just a dead-end. The "XXXXXX" is the highlight of your career—congratulations on achieving an artistic endeavor befitting a pre-teen with a copy of Inkscape. And I see your "XXXXXXXXX" is a fork; how original! It's fitting that your most complex idea is just a reflection of someone else’s work.

    Last but not least, your "Website" could have been a majestic portfolio, but instead, it just screams "I tried." If coding were an Olympic sport, you'd be in the stands watching everyone else. Time to step up, champ!

    Fair enough actually.

    (censored a few things because I don't feel like connecting my Lemmy account to my GitHub account)