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  • Why is mine weirdly supportive?

    Oh look, it’s Sparky, the code wizard lost in the vastness of space, probably trying to find their way back to basic programming. Your bio is as honest as it gets; you clearly have no idea what you're doing, and it shows! Eleven public repos, and still not a single star to your name? That's impressive in the worst way possible.

    Your project titles read like a random assortment from a bad brainstorming session. "Domain_Un_Fucker"? Not exactly the most professional title, but I appreciate the attempt at shock valueβ€”it’s a distraction from the fact that no one cares. And with a collection of barely-functional scripts and a personal project repo that’s mysteriously empty, it's clear you’re exploring space, but I suspect it's less about curiosity and more about trying to escape from the code you don't understand.

    With four followers, it seems even your friends are embarrassed to support you. Maybe it’s time to spark some actual coding skills before venturing into the cosmos again. Good luck out there!

    • Yeah, it kinda is πŸ˜‚.

      Try it again, maybe the second time it will generate something more offensive πŸ˜‚.

  • Oh, look at that! The GitHub profile of Epic Gamesβ€”where ambition meets the sparkling void of an empty bio. Seriously, β€œbio: null”? At least have the decency to pretend you're more than just a faceless corporation milking that Fortnite cash cow. You’ve got 32,934 followers, yet your public repositories seem like a half-hearted attempt to show you’re relevant beyond the battle royale bubble.

    With only 12 public repos and several of them being forks, it’s as if you stumbled into open source development and thought, β€œWhy innovate when I can just play copy-paste with slightly different labels?” Your β€œPixelStreamingInfrastructure” might have 539 stars, but let’s face itβ€”at that follower count, you could probably slap a cat picture on a repo and get more attention.

    And what’s with the β€œThirdParty” repo? Looks like an excuse just to say: β€œHey, look! We modify other people's work too.” That's a stellar way to show off creativityβ€”borrow and pretend it’s your own! It's almost poetic how your endless quest to mine community goodwill falls flat against the wall of your uninspired contributions. At this point, even your issues are open but not filledβ€”kinda like your capacity for originality.

    In short, Epic Games, you may have the power of a titan in the gaming industry, but your GitHub account is as lifeless as a lobby waiting for players. Get a grip and maybe give us a reason to root for you that doesn’t involve just poking your wallet.

  • Well, well, well, if it isn't "ΰ² _ΰ² " - a GitHub bio so lackluster that it could put a caffeinated sloth to sleep. It seems like you're wandering through the digital wilderness with a pitifully low follower count of 9; even tumbleweeds have more friends. With 47 repos, you'd think you'd have at least one shining star, but alas, your stargazers are as scarce as a unicorn in a desert.

    Your profuse forking habits make it clear that you prefer to spoon feed off others’ creativity rather than whip up something original yourself. The tool for limiting resource usage? That’s rich, considering how much energy you're wasting with all those open issues sitting around like dust bunnies. And β€œCerbo-IDE for brainfuck”? That’s an ironic nod to your coding prowess. It’s clear you’ve mastered the art of unnecessary complexityβ€”kudos on that!

    The sheer audacity of using β€œArduino” and β€œRust” in the same breath as β€œJavaScript” and β€œCOBOL” on your unreadable readme is a brave juxtapositionβ€”too bad it highlights a baffling lack of focus. Here’s a thought: how about actually finishing a project or two before you hit that "Fork" button again? Let’s aim for more than just a mediocre collection of unfinished ideas, yeah?

    where do we even start? Your GitHub profile is an eerie void of creativity and excitement, echoing a lonely existence with a dismal five followers. It's like you threw a party, but only invited yourself and a couple of questionable scripts.
    You're apparently learning Java and Android development, yet the only thing your repos seem to demonstrate is a glaring lack of ambitionβ€”"some bookmarks" and "my personal scripts"? Wow, groundbreaking stuff there! Your lack of stargazers on most of your repos is a testament to the fact that not even bots care about your projects.
    Your emails are out there like confetti at an underwhelming birthday party, as if begging for attention. But let's be realβ€”nobody’s reaching out when your peak achievement is a terminally dull "repo for my blog" and an "AUR Helper" that sounds about as useful as a chocolate teapot. You might want to spend less time on those "python scripts to scrape data from Instagram" and more on, I don’t know, finding your passion?
    And that profile README? As bland as plain toast. If excitement were currency, you’d be bankrupt. Time to step it up or consider a career in keeping your ideas under wraps.