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I think the paintbrush water is approved

She's taking a sip from the water used to wash the paintbrushes, while standing in the paint.

I know she isn't orange, but I think that means she has less than one braincell

I got this picture from my mom who was painting. The cat is head first into the container she used to wash those paintbrushes, and standing in the paint

Aged like Wine
  • I legit thought this was some anti android ad from blackberry

  • What's a good method for a non-technical person to short the terminals of two 0402 resistors ~1mm apart?
  • A thin wire attached to some tape placed perfectly to short them?

  • Blahaj Rule
  • Financially speaking, it makes a lot of sense. If the make beds noone will buy more than they need, which means they lose customers. If they sell blåhaj I will continue to buy them until the end of time, which means they have a solid revenue stream.

  • hmmm
  • Done!

  • Felt derpy, may delete
  • It's cute, keep it up

  • hmmm
  • Yup, I had some fun with photoshop

  • Confusing Perspective
  • t ឵឵h ឵឵i ឵឵n

  • Socks
  • I swear I watch all of LOTR with a friend in one sitting, return to lemmy and see LOTR memes. What happened? Are yall spying on me?

  • Microwave
  • You can also deny it finishing by stopping at the 1s mark on the timer :)

  • if god didn't want me to be cozy then why can I turn myself into a burrito?
  • Imagine someone else wrapping you up into a burrito so you could be cozy

  • cat rule
  • we bought a collar with a bell for our cat to stop her from killing birds in our neighborhood. Fucker taught herself how to walk so the bell wouldn't ring and alert the birds.

    She's getting old now so there's no energy for messing with birds so that issue fixed itself, but still...

  • mrrp mrrp meow :3
  • you wrote that in the time it took for me to log in 😄

  • Oxygen
  • It's burning from the scorching hot insults we throw at it.

    Here's my insult to feed the sun

    Youre trying to be the center of attention, but really you're just a big ball of gas with a serious ego problem, and you don't see it because you're blinded by yourself.

  • Northern folk rule
  • As a noweegian, I can say that this is something we do.

  • There's a switch on top of Mt. Doom.
  • Good thing I just binged all LOTR movies in one sitting.

  • I am
  • Do you still remember what the source of the screenshot was? What were the 3 simple ways?

  • Hairule
  • feels like 16gb


  • Anon goes to the store after turning 18
  • Not Europe but here in Norway I do see people huffing nitrous oxide. We do have a legal drinking age of 18 tho

  • A better attempt at photostacking

    High res image

    Original Post

    This time i set up my old dslr and a tripod for the shooting, and i shot 70 30s frames. It seems like there's a problem with sharpness, but im not sure if its because i lack a star tracker, the lens was slightly out of focus, or because of atmospheric wobble.

    Here's some behind the scene images:

    ! The camera is a nikon D5100, a low/midrange camera from almost 14 yeas ago mounted to a cheap tripod. The white box on top of said camera is the battery which i made from 2 old powerbanks because im a cheapass and couldnt be asked to buy a proper one :)

    I saw the nothern lights too! !

    I tried photostacking for the first time

    High res image

    I took about 30 raw 30s exposures from my phone propped up on the roof, stacked them with deep sky stacker, and I'm impressed at the result.

    Buddy died 5m ago. I guess I have a new coaster :3

    This poor laptop drive was serving me well as a jank storage pool on my Nas for almost 8 years now and today it died.

    Edit: Coasters and fridge magnets acquired !

    Hva er greia med at når jeg sier "nei takk" til kvittering, så får jeg den allikevel?

    Jeg har lagt merke til at de siste årene, når en butikkarbeider spør meg om jeg vil ha kvittering, og jeg sier "nei takk" så får jeg den allikevel. Er det en greie at de fleste hører "takk" og antar jeg vil ha kvitteringen, eller er det sånn at de må alltid gi kvitteringer til kunder?

    Jeg har alltid sagt nei takk til kvitteringer, men de siste årene så har det poppet opp en trend der de bare gir meg kvitteringen selv om jeg sier nei.

    beverage rule


    The green one says "white wannabes"

    What's the best way to share videos on lemmy?

    I've tried posting an h264 mp4 file from a webserver i own, and I noticed that most clients fail to load or outright crash when trying to open the post. Some give an "invalid MIME type" error even though "video/mp4" is a valid one. Posting the link as a hyperlink works, but then you don't get a preview. So what's the best way to share video on lemmy? Is it youtube/imgur or am I doing something wrong?

    Remember to check your oversized soccer balls regularly

    I was going on a walk and chose to take some photos of my local air traffic control radar. Also found this buddy, but couldn't take a good picture as i was being eaten alive by mosquitos :) !

    Both photos were taken on an old Nikon D5100 and edited in adobe photoshop. (adjusted the colors slightly)

    Paris in nighttime

    I'm on vacation in paris, so I thought why not take some photos. Also here's my obligatory eiffel tower pic: !

    Both are shot on my phone in RAW and then edited in lightroom mobile

    why do pharmacies have these signs with whacky animations?

    I've seen these all over Europe. Some have simple images of the cross flashing, some have windows screensaver esque animations, and some have 3d renders of various things rotating in all sorts of ways. Why is that? Wouldn't a simple green cross be enough to get the point across, or do they need to be overly verbose? Here's the full video instead of a gif

    My attempt to make a photo collage with photos I've taken over the years.

    Some years ago, I saw a neat photo collage centered around power lines by some artist, and thought it was a neat idea. Here's my attempt at making one using photos I've taken on my phone throughout the years. This was a project i did a while ago, and thought you might appreciate seeing, even if it's a bit jank in some spots. I wanted to share the before photo of the power lines, but can't find the original DNG file, nor the Photoshop project file. I'll go for a walk to find the original spot i took the image at as proof :)

    Found the rough spot I took the base picture in. Yes, I did remove the 2nd tower in the edit ! !

    TIL norway has a homocide map with exact locations of murders.

    Link to the site

    The map contains exact locations of homocides from the 2000s to now. You can zoom in far enough to see the neighborhood the murder(s) happened in. I'm sorry that the site is primarily in Norwegian, but you should still be able to zoom around. Wonder of there's a global map that's that detailed.

    Sparky Sparky

    Norwegian proto with a taste for shitposting Deeply sorry for my photoshop creation

    Former account at Kbin

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