Rofi is a popular window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement for Linux. dmenu was a tiny text-only utility to display a list of binaries or lines of text and select one. The dmenu design follows the Unix philosophy to "do one thing well". Simple!
Rofi took the idea and
The banner says "This project is not being actively maintained. It does still receive some updates from time to time but nothing frequent."
It's fine for a project to reach "maturity" and quit getting updated much, but the Wofi docs, interface and features still seem like they could use some polish.
It's open source, so anyone else is always welcome to use the current state as a base to build on if they prefer to.
Aside from Wofi's support for Pango/HTML/CSS, I don't see a reason to use it over Fuzzel, though.
I think wofi looks great and it works for me. I use it with pywal's wallpaper theme generated css. I haven't seen many alternatives having this level of visual configuration.
I'll look into fuzzel but I remember last time I looked I was let down by the visuals of most of these alternatives. If it doesn't look good I'd rather use the sway built in drun thing.