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Men over 30, how is your week going?

Happy Monday!

How was your weekend? Any plans, milestones, major dread or whatever else you want to share coming up in the week ahead?

And how are you generally?

29 评论
  • Had a big weekend of entertaining kids, and a shitpile of projects I've been putting off - built shelves with my old man for my garage and shed, which entailed reorganizing both. Cut and dethatched my lawn which took a bunch of time.

    Slept like shit last night and now I'm off to the gym. Life over 30

  • Personally I have 4/5 assignments for university due come Sunday, all of which rely on feedback from the first assignment that I submitted 2 months ago. Feedback was released - you guessed it - last Friday. So now everyone is scrambling to get their stuff sorted... Major stress factor; even more so since the second screen I ordered to be more efficient still hasn't been delivered. Hopefully it arrives today.

    Else I'm stoked though, moved to a new country, set everything up in my home office, and looking forward to some blissful years ahead.

  • Went on a waterfall hike with friends, i feels like i've been drifting away from them slowly because i don't really speak much, feels more and more like a burden to them.

    Otherwise it's okay-ish. Trying to switch from commute with car to bike both for fitness, finance, and environment has been going quite smoothly, i've now learning how to ride confidently in traffic even though sometimes it's better for me to wait till traffic clear out before taking my turn. It's also very much helps with my mental health too, used to be depressed and have suicidal thought just a few months ago and riding in traffic makes me wanna live lol.

29 评论