When this thing flies back to earth autonomously i hope it either goes perfectly or totally disintegrates, because right now it's in the weird gray area of "is it an unsafe vehicle or are the issues just normal kinks to work out"
i hope it either goes perfectly or totally disintegrates,
I debate stuff like this with the work crew a lot. The consensus is 'accidentally' burning up is the safest thing for everyone. I'll be absolutely amazed if they even attempt a landing, as that means they've gone against all good advice, political and actual.
Yeeessss... I mean, no other speakers on the station are emitting "strange noises," and, frankly, I'd be concerned about any more faults in a craft that's got an already pretty long list.
So, sure: having a radio malfunction, by itself, is pretty low on the shit-your-pants broken equipment list, but at some point the sheer volume of malfunctions is concerning.
I'm glad the team is able to hitch a ride back on a more reliable craft, and I'll bet they are, too.